adjust date and time in photos not working
The adjust date and time function on my Mac seems to have mind of its own. It is impossible to make the dates correct on photos. Every photo taken on the same day with the same camera has a different date and it changes before my eyes if i try to correct it. some photos are dated in the future, 2023 for instance, and others way back to 2000 but none are correct. I can change them but they just revert to another date of the Mac's own choosing instantly.
Having spend 2 hours on the phone to Apple support yesterday even the guy there seems at a loss. He tried rebooting, repairing library, creating a new user, changing time zones, and nothing will allow me to change to the correct time. He thought maybe it may correct itself with the next update but cannot guarantee this. I gave up in the end as i could stay on the phone for ever. Has anyone else experienced this and if so how did you cure it? I am completely up to date with High Sierra and using photos.