How to enable a disabled iPhone?
how can i enable my disabled phone as i have data thats important in my phone. is there any way i can enable it please help?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
how can i enable my disabled phone as i have data thats important in my phone. is there any way i can enable it please help?
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
This is not a chat, it is a user-to-user technical support forum. All questions here are answered by volunteer users. You will get an answer when another user thinks they might be able to help you. Additionally, you didn’t start with a new post; you tagged on to a 3 year old thread with 51 pages, that contains 750 posts before your posts. It is only by luck that I saw your post.
It isn’t clear whether you have a disabled phone or whether you have a disabled account, or both. So here are all of the possible answers:
If your phone is disabled See this Apple support link→If you forgot the passcode on your iPhone, or your iPhone is disabled - Apple Support
Or watch this companion video ⬇️
If it is your Apple ID that is disabled, click the link below that most closely matches the disabled message:
So read the Apple Recommended solution just after the first post, where the answer is easily found.
Can you enable my phone
my iPhone is disabled and says to connect to itunes
iPhone is disabled connect to itunes
I set up a new Apple ID and still did not disable to phone
An Apple ID has absolutely nothing to do with fixing a phone that is disabled. Look at the post above yours.
Of course not. Your AppleID has nothing at all to do with restoring a device to erase it and reset the screen lock passcode.
You need to restore it through iTunes on your computer. Read this thread for the link to follow for the instructions.
My iPhone 6 has been disabled. How can I fix this?
Click on the link in the post right above yours from deggie.
How to enable my disabled iphone
I cant even turn or get my phone on what can I do?
Click on the Contact Support link at the top right of this page to start the service process
How to enable a disabled iPhone?