I just received a new Macbook Pro in the holidays and it has crashed 5 times now, with 10.14.2, inb a manner pretty close to the Bridge Crash here. In all 5 cases, there was a Timecapsule backup going on, but there were no other external devices plugged into USB/C ports except for the power convertor. I presume it has something to do with going to sleep. I may force the laptop to stay awake during backups and see if that makes a difference. I have never experienced such an unstable Macbook Pro before.
If it helps, I used the migration assistant to setup the MacBook from a 2015 model.
I have reporterd all 5 crashes in the last 10 days with a Kernel Probem Report. I am sorry about the length of the following string, but I didn't really know where to cut it off.
{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 3.2 (16P2542)","timestamp":"2019-01-06 17:58:52.78 +0000","incident_id":"AC9AF040-2EC4-4B9A-A469-077F066E8771"}
"build" : "Bridge OS 3.2 (16P2542)",
"product" : "iBridge2,3",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Mon Nov 12 20:24:14 PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.231.4~3\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",
"incident" : "AC9AF040-2EC4-4B9A-A469-077F066E8771",
"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",
"date" : "2019-01-06 17:58:52.59 +0000",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff0092dab14): macOS watchdog detected\nDebugger message: panic\nMemory ID: 0xff\nOS version: 16P2542\nKernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Mon Nov 12 20:24:14 PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.231.4~3\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010\nKernelCache UUID: 9B431313847263DE7B6685D864932934\nKernel UUID: 4BC02A8F-ECD4-37DE-8656-F4FCB742B8C4\niBoot version: iBoot-4513.230.5\nsecure boot?: YES\nx86 EFI Boot State: 0x16\nx86 System State: 0x0\nx86 Power State: 0x0\nx86 Shutdown Cause: 0xc0\nx86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x70707060400\nPCIeUp link state: 0x1614\nPaniclog version: 11\nKernel slide: 0x0000000002c00000\nKernel text base: 0xfffffff009c04000\nEpoch Time: sec usec\n Boot : 0x5c31b846 0x00073d44\n Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000\n Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000\n Calendar: 0x5c3241ba 0x0004b1c0\n\nPanicked task 0xffffffe000542760: 3073 pages, 206 threads: pid 0: kernel_task\nPanicked thread: 0xffffffe00085c000, backtrace: 0xffffffe016803520, tid: 369\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009e00a08 fp: 0xffffffe016803660\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009cdd610 fp: 0xffffffe016803670\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009d11ce4 fp: 0xffffffe0168039e0\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009d1205c fp: 0xffffffe016803a20\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009d13c94 fp: 0xffffffe016803a40\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff0092dab14 fp: 0xffffffe016803ab0\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff0092dcf9c fp: 0xffffffe016803b50\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff0092da1d0 fp: 0xffffffe016803be0\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009293ab0 fp: 0xffffffe016803c10\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff00a19afa4 fp: 0xffffffe016803c50\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff00a19a834 fp: 0xffffffe016803c90\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff009ce8614 fp: 0x0000000000000000\n\n",
"panicFlags" : "0x102",
"otherString" : "\n** Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 103408 **\n",
"macOSPanicFlags" : "0x0",
"macOSPanicString" : "BAD MAGIC! (flag set in iBoot panic header), no macOS panic log available",
"memoryStatus" : {"compressorSize":0,"compressions":0,"decompressions":0,"busyBufferCount":0,"pageSize":16384,"memoryPressure":false,"memoryPages":{"active":6598,"throttled":0,"fileBacked":10660,"wired":5162,"purgeable":47,"inactive":3143,"free":11309,"speculative":4015}},
Model: MacBookPro15,1, BootROM (iBridge: 16.16.2542.0.0,0), 6 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.2 GHz, 32 GB, SMC
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 630, Intel UHD Graphics 630, Built-In
Graphics: Radeon Pro 555X, Radeon Pro 555X, PCIe
Memory Module: BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0, 16 GB, DDR4, 2400 MHz, Micron, 16ATS2G64HZ-2G6B1 16ATS2G64HZ-2G6B1
Memory Module: BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0, 16 GB, DDR4, 2400 MHz, Micron, 16ATS2G64HZ-2G6B1 16ATS2G64HZ-2G6B1
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x7BF), wl0: Sep 18 2018 16:24:57 version FWID 01-83a3fe91
Bluetooth: Version 6.0.9f2, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
USB Device: iBridge Bus
USB Device: iBridge DFR brightness
USB Device: iBridge Display
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
USB Device: Headset
USB Device: iBridge ALS
USB Device: iBridge FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
USB Device: iBridge
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 34.6
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 34.6