To add a bit of an update, and really only related to Power Adapter usage (although I had a couple of hours on battery only last night and everything was ok) -
In energy settings (Power Adapter tab) I unticked -
1. Prevent computer from sleeping
2. Put hard disks to sleep when possible.
I have not had a (Bridge OS related) KP or restart since my last post (48 hours ago).
It may be worth a try if you're running a MBP that's constantly connected to AC.
I've also been troubleshooting a new Drobo 5N2 (NAS) that I purchased alongside the MacBook Pro. I found when clicking on or sometimes dragging files from folders within my Drobo shares to my Mac (or into Photoshop/Adobe etc.) this resulted in Finder beachballing for 20 seconds, the Finder window closing and my favourited shares/folders pinned to Finder to be deleted (this has happened probably 20 times in the last 10+ days with huge frustration in having to recreate favourites). The Drobo would also disconnect momentarily - a couple of times the Drobo wouldn't connect, although it was visible in Finder. I would have to manually connect to server to get shares to mount.
These 'mini' crashes in Finder were happening in High Sierra as well as on the latest build of Mojave, and in tandem with the Mac's Bridge OS crashes - for this issue I've been going backwards and forwards for a few days with Drobo thinking it's a Drobo thing.
Drobo are unable to see any issues via diagnostics regarding a Finder crash I had yesterday (not full blown KP/restart/Bridge OS error) - the crash again removed all my shortcuts from Finder favourites and disconnected the Drobo momentarily. This has led me to believe there's nothing wrong with the Drobo and this is all coming from Finder/MacOS.
Googling 'Finder crash/favourites being deleted', I had no idea this issue has been going on for (MANY) years. This is pretty basic functionality that I would have thought ran smoothly every time. I mean they're just pinned shortcuts.. either way, this is very broken (for me) in the latest Mojave PB.
Is anyone else losing their pinned finder favourites after these major KP crashes?