My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
how to fix it ?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.1.2
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
how to fix it ?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.1.2
You don't. You connect your phone to iTunes on your computer, and follow these instructions-->If you forgot the passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled - Apple Support
Click on the link in the post just above yours.
my phone says iPhone is disabled connect to iTunes
my is showing that iphone is disabled and connect to itunes
My phone is disabled what can I don to fix it
Click on the blue link in the post just above yours.
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
I have an old iPhone that I want to use and it says iPhone is disabled connect to itunes
Your question has been answered roughly a hundred times in this 33 page thread, including in the post immediately above yours.
iphone is disabled connect to itunes
Did you try reading this thread before you posted a comment that has been answered many times here?
iphone disables
At least just read the posts on this page. The answer is there two times.
iphone is disabled how do i get into my phone
You need to read the posts on this page. If you had bothered to read any part of this thread, you would have found your answer.
phone is disabled. connect to itunes
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?