My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
how to fix it ?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.1.2
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?
how to fix it ?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.1.2
You don't. You connect your phone to iTunes on your computer, and follow these instructions-->If you forgot the passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled - Apple Support
Play the video in the post right above yours.
The answer is given above both in link and video form.
phone is disabled how do i get off
The answer is given above both in link and video form.
Click on the video in the post from kb1951 that is 4 posts above yours.
iPhone disabled
How do I fix this
I can't get my phone to enable. It says it's disabled and I can't read the comments here.
What language do you need us to use so you can read the posts here?
I need to unlock the disabled iPhone. Also the password I do not know anymore.
You need to read the thread or at least this page.
iphone is disabled it says connect to itunes
Try reading this thread. You will find the answer.
my iphone 6s is saying iphone disaabled connect to i tunes
Try reading the posts on this page to see if you can find the answer.
My phone says iPhone disabled- connect to iTunes Store. How can I fix this?