Excel spreadsheet has 2 parts of directory path
I am struggling with finding out what is missing in my script. I have a spreadsheet that lists beginning folder in column 1 and the next folder down in column 2. The spreadsheet can have 50 or 60 rows.
So far my script will pull the info from "A2:C" using a variable for the number of rows found.
I need find the folder listed in the spreadsheet and copy it to a new location.
I am not getting around an error where Finder can't set target to.....
I've tried set as string, set as alias, set as nothing. What am I missing?
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
tell active sheet
tell used range
set rc to count of rows
end tell
set theList to get value of range ("A2:C" & rc) as list
repeat with theItem in theList
end repeat
end tell
end tell
--repeat with thisItem in theList
tell application "Finder"
-- set numb to 1
set target to (files_source & theItem & ":" as string)
-- copy target to files_dest
--end try
end tell
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)