I have also tried PRAM and SMC (system management controller) resets. They might work for a short time, however, the issue always reappears.
I have talked to several high level Apple employees about this issue. They are aware of the issue but have been unable to figure out exactly what is going on.
Currently, Apple is collecting SysDiagnose files in an attempt to figure out what is going on.
To capture a SysDiagnose File - Press the following keys together:
Command + Option + Control + Shift + . Then wait until the window with the SysDiagnose file appears on the Mac Desktop.
I would suggest collecting a SysDiagnose file while the issue is occurring and when it is not occurring.
Next use an email account that supports Mail Drop. SysDiagnose Files are really large, so you will need an account that can send 100 megabyte files. Apple icloud accounts are great for handing these types of issues.
Finally, contact Apple Care and notify them of this forum. Next, offer to send them the SysDiagnose file via email.