iPhone SE battery drain after iOS 12
Just a short message to let Apple know that the brand new iOS 12 had a terrible effect on my battery.
I have an iPhone SE just 1 year old that was holding fine for a day but after iOS 12 update I am struggling to get back home without turning the ‘battery save’ mode On.
I work 9 to 5 and I dont need my phone for it so you might expect it to last the whole day and still have nearly 50% when getting back.
I have tried turning off location services, sweeping out every app from memory and nothing works.
Looking to the new battery graphs I can see that I struggle to have more than 4 hours of use (combining On screen and background activity). That is a joke.
I am pretty convinced is the update as I did not changed my phone usage so please Apple get a fix on this firmware.
Many thanks.