Have to constantly renew DHCP lease
There is a same post in 2012 with the same topic is there a solution?
on my 2 Apple tablets i've no problem with renewing dhcp or other internet connections.
on my MAC and macbook pro with macosHighSierra version 10.13.6 i've the problem that i have to renew my dhcp release after a sleep situation or shutdown. After sleep i've a connection with my network but no internet at all.
After renewing my DHCP it's steady until the sleep or shutdown of my mac and macbook.
ALso after a restart, i've got the message that i've to log in to my apple id ( due no Internet connection) after 3 attemps you're account is blocked and need to be activated a gain with new password etc. frustrating when this happend.while you think you have internet.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS High Sierra (10.13.6), also on the Imac