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iPad Pro 12.9 touch problem

I have a serious touch problem with my ipad pro 12.9'' second gen.

Things I tried:

* Hard reset with a "Genius" at Akasya Apple Center, Istanbul.

* Technical Service Repair

I am in contact with an expert Apple technician for about 2 weeks but still there is no solution to the problem.

I recorded a video about the issue and sent him. The tech. told me that their engineers will check on it.

Anyway, no solution yet. My problem is:

When I use my ipad pro regularly, [especially for gaming/pubg and drawing painting [mostly procreate app] the pencil always works on it. But when I pinch zoom, rotate or smth else, it sometimes freezes. No response to fingers for about 5 seconds or so. But if i touch with the pencil when this happens, it immediately recognizes the pen like nothing happened. After the pencil touch, ipad recognizes my fingers too. But after a little time, this happens again.

I don't know what to do but I am really ****** off. I want an exchange with a new device.

All my accesories are original and the device is still in warranty.

iPad Pro Wi-Fi, iOS 12.0.1, have iPencil.

Posted on Oct 17, 2018 2:38 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Oct 17, 2018 2:47 AM

Issues with the iPad Pro screens, being periodically unresponsive to input, appear to be a recurent theme. Here is one of the other discussion conversations on this subjuct:

Re: iPad Pro 2 issues with touch screen response

At present, this fault seems to affect the iPad Pro series only - the 12.9” Gen 1 and Gen 2, the 10.5” and the original 9.7”. None of us experiencing the problem have managed to find a definitive cause or fix at this time.

The best advice that we can offer right now is that you do two things:

1) Provide feedback to Apple using their “feedback” page for iPad - reporting the issue as a bug - providing as much information accurately and succinctly as you can:

Feedback - iPad - Apple

You won’t receive any follow-up from Apple, but the issue should be logged (along with other reports of this type). If enough perople complain about something, hopefully Apple will investigate.

2) Contact Apple Support directly to report the issue and ask for help. This is possibly easiest if you install the Apple Support App on your device - run it, choose your iPad Pro from the device list, select System Perfomance from the list, then scroll to the very bottom of the list of issues where you will find a link for Get More Help. From here, enter a short description of your problem, submit the form, and hopefully you will be offered an opportunity to schedule a call with an Apple Support Agent. Be prepared to spend some time on this exercise, be persistent, and hopefully you’ll get some help that may include escalation to a Level 2 Support Agent. Doing this will formally record the issue with Apple for your device - and provide you with a case reference that can be managed from within the Apple Support App.

Finally, please return here (and helpfully to the other conversation that I’ve listed here) to tell us about what you’ve discovered during your interaction with the Support process. We’d all like to know if you find a fix; you may find out somthing that we don’t already know.

Good luck!

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Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Oct 17, 2018 2:47 AM in response to splinterzen

Issues with the iPad Pro screens, being periodically unresponsive to input, appear to be a recurent theme. Here is one of the other discussion conversations on this subjuct:

Re: iPad Pro 2 issues with touch screen response

At present, this fault seems to affect the iPad Pro series only - the 12.9” Gen 1 and Gen 2, the 10.5” and the original 9.7”. None of us experiencing the problem have managed to find a definitive cause or fix at this time.

The best advice that we can offer right now is that you do two things:

1) Provide feedback to Apple using their “feedback” page for iPad - reporting the issue as a bug - providing as much information accurately and succinctly as you can:

Feedback - iPad - Apple

You won’t receive any follow-up from Apple, but the issue should be logged (along with other reports of this type). If enough perople complain about something, hopefully Apple will investigate.

2) Contact Apple Support directly to report the issue and ask for help. This is possibly easiest if you install the Apple Support App on your device - run it, choose your iPad Pro from the device list, select System Perfomance from the list, then scroll to the very bottom of the list of issues where you will find a link for Get More Help. From here, enter a short description of your problem, submit the form, and hopefully you will be offered an opportunity to schedule a call with an Apple Support Agent. Be prepared to spend some time on this exercise, be persistent, and hopefully you’ll get some help that may include escalation to a Level 2 Support Agent. Doing this will formally record the issue with Apple for your device - and provide you with a case reference that can be managed from within the Apple Support App.

Finally, please return here (and helpfully to the other conversation that I’ve listed here) to tell us about what you’ve discovered during your interaction with the Support process. We’d all like to know if you find a fix; you may find out somthing that we don’t already know.

Good luck!


Oct 17, 2018 3:35 AM in response to LotusPilot

Thanks for your reply.

I am already in contact with a level 2 support assistance but as you mentioned above, this is going to be a long period of time. A device replacement would be awesome.

He will call me this evening about the problem and I will write here if we find a fix.

Btw they already monitored my ipad for 24 hours and the engineering team is looking for a solution. (the support assistance tried to get into the debug mode but I think there was an issue about the button configuration because the way he explained the combination, did not work 😟)


Oct 17, 2018 3:50 AM in response to splinterzen

I hope your replacement is successfull, but I suspect that unless you are diagnosed to have a definite and specific hardware problem, replacement of your iPad Pro might not prove to be a permanent solution.

Others reporting similar issues, who have had their devices replaced by Apple (some more than once), find that the problem returns. The issue of periodic and repetitive freezing of the screen and keyboard input, for a few seconds at a time, appears to be a common issue with all models of iPad Pro. As you have observed, Pencil input does not appear to be affected. At this time, nobody appears to have any idea of the cause of periodic freezing - or how to workaround the problem.

I look forward to hearing news of any debug or test results. At present, all information is useful.


Oct 22, 2018 11:29 PM in response to LotusPilot

Well, we have completed a hard reset yesterday with a support assistance. I set up my ipad as a new ipad and the only thing I did was logging into my apple account and download procreate from the app store.

As expected, all my drawings was gone. [i did back up both to computer and to icloud for later use]

I was testing my "clean" ipad like 2-3 hours and the freezing issue was still there.

Now we understood that this likely be a hardware issue. I will test durng this evening and tomorrow, finally I will be directed to apple tech. service again. I will write again soon.


Dec 17, 2018 6:47 AM in response to LotusPilot

I am wondering if this is an iOS 12 issue and something with iOS 12 is causing tbis issue.

I STILL have not upgraded my iPad Pro to either iOS 11 or 12, at this point.

I am still using iOS 10.3.3 on my 1st gen iPad Pro, using another third party Bluetooth stylus and I am not experiencing any of these intermittent touch issues.

I have had my iPad Pro for over 3 years, now!

I use third party keyboard apps, too!

I type and/or draw on my iPad Pro every single day and my iPad Pro is not experiencing any of this.

I use no screen protectors on my iPad Pro, either.

Also, these touch issues seem to be still limited to a small minority of iPad Pro users, also.

We are not seeing thousands of posts about these iPad Pro intermittent touch issues here in the iPad communities


Dec 17, 2018 7:30 AM in response to MichelPM

Hear you ......

My girlfriend reintroduced me to Fruit Ninja and it didn’t respond all the time (quite a bit to be honest) and started this research into what’s wrong...

At at this moment it took a few seconds to tap it on...

But before, I turned off everything in settings- multitasking & dock.....

the game works fine now

Yet Apples space and it’s features into other apps seem to be problematic as of now to me...

Im going to play with a couple of more apps and have a few more rounds on Fruit Ninja ...


Dec 17, 2018 8:30 AM in response to MichelPM

Good to hear that you’re not yourself experiencing this issue with your iPad Pro. I presume that as you’ve not updated to iOS 11/12, that you’re still running iOS 10.x. My own 10.5” Pro, purchased last year, came our-of-the-box with iOS 11.x - as such, I’ve not myself been able to test with an earlier version. The problem of sporadic freezing has, for me, been evident in both iOS 11 and 12.

As for not seeing “thousands of posts” within the Apple Communities, I would counter that the complaint does seemingly recur with some regularity - but often under different subject titles and a variety of descriptions - as contributors articulate the problem differently.

As a further point, any issues that we generally see within the Apple communities represent, I believe, only a tiny proportion of users with a particular problem. Beyond those that we see, few people seem to know about these forums - or choose to engage with what is, in truth, a user-to-user channel with no tangible contribution or help from Apple. Most complaints concerning faults or bad hardware are inevitably hidden from us as resolution is generally handled by the retailer - usually accomanied by a “return” as customers persue their consumer rights against defective goods.

My own iPad Pro is currently having one of its “bad days”. This response has been very slow to compose - as my touch screen chooses to become unresponsive every few seconds - and spends more time dead than alive...

This problem is very real - and seems to be very specific in affecting the iPad Pro models.



Dec 17, 2018 9:53 AM in response to LotusPilot

I am not saying this problem is not real.

Anyways, I had been prepping my iPad Pro to eventually upgrade to iOS 12 ( I wanted more free data storage space, so I have been backing up data to my Mac and up onto both DropBox and Google Drive and getting data off of my iPad, but seeing that this iPad Pro touch response issue is growing, I am thinking about, once again, holding off upgrading to a new iOS version.

I have to give this some thought, now.

I really wanted to upgrade my iPad to iOS 12, too, but not at the expense of intermittent inoperability.


Dec 17, 2018 10:01 AM in response to MichelPM

I’ve updated everything I have and only the IPad Pro does this for me....

Just had Apple do a diagnostic check via internet and everything seems to be well. They told me to set an appointment today to have another look....

Since I turned off gestures, she seems to be better.....


Dec 17, 2018 10:56 AM in response to MichelPM

Michael - your iPad Pro is an expensive bit of kit. If out of warranty and currently works as it should (and you’re happy to live with the security risks assosiated with an unpatched Operating System) - then you might be better served in continuing to avoid an iOS update. As you know and appreciate, upgrade is a one-way process!


Dec 17, 2018 11:20 AM in response to LotusPilot


I may wait iOS 12 out a little while longer until this touch screen issue is identified by Apple and fixed.

I really wanted the group FaceTime capabilities and to try out the new iOS 12 Measure app, as well as the new gesture interface, finally, for myself, but...

AND a small few of my major drawing/paintimg apps that I regularly use are still versions behind, but...

I'll just have to take a deep breath and hold out on upgrading for awhile.


iPad Pro 12.9 touch problem

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