Migrating Mac Photos Library from Internal HDD to external drive
I do not use iCloud for my pictures nor do i wish to do so. I have many thousand pictures and the monthly cost is too great for me.
I have a MacBook Pro that is on its knees, and am likely to buy a new MacBook Air, but there is insufficient internal storage. Even a 1.5TB internal SSD will not be enough, and it costs a fortune.
My plan is to have sufficient internal SSD storage on the new machine to run my main software and manage my storage needs, and to migrate my Photos library from my current internal 2TB drive to an external caddy connected via the thunderbolt port.
I am sure some of you have done this before. What I think I need to do is a simple copy of the Photos library to the yet unacquired external drive, and then point Photos on the new machine to it.
Please does anyone have any pointers for me? Are there any gotchas I need to be aware of?
OBS,MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), macOS Sierra (10.12.6), null