cant order calendar, update photos necessary
During checkout I can't proceed because its asking for an update for photos.
There is no update available and al major/general updated are done?!
MacBook Air
During checkout I can't proceed because its asking for an update for photos.
There is no update available and al major/general updated are done?!
MacBook Air
Which system version is installed on your Mac? The is part of the system and installed by the system. To upgrade to Photos 4.0 you need to upgrade the system to macOS 10.14 Mojave.
But upgrading to a newer Photos version will not bring back the Buy button. The message is misleading.
It is too late now. Apple stopped the printing service for books and other print products. The last orders had to be placed by September 30.
To order books and calendars directly from Photos you need now to install third party projects extension, and these require an upgrade to Photos 3.0 on High Sierra or Photos 4.0 on Mojave.
If you do not want to upgrade your Mac past macOS 10.12 Sierra, save your book or calendar as a PDF file and send it for printing to a different service.
Presto Photo can print books similar to the Apple books from PDF files you upload, and you can create calendars there as well.
See: Photo Book Printing, Color Book Printing, and Calendar Printing - PrestoPhoto
To create a PDF file of your book or calendar see: Preview a print project in Photos or iPhoto to avoid issues - Apple Support
For background reading on the new way books are handled by Photos:
See: Old Toad: Post 9/30/2018 Printing Options for Photos
and also: Use Project Extensions to order print products in Photos after September 30, 2018
Create and order print products in Photos with Project Extension
In Photos 4.0 on Mojave all tools to create native Apple print products (Cards, books, Calendars) have been completely removed. If you like to create PDFs of books, do not upgrade past Photos 3.0 and High Sierra.
Which system version is installed on your Mac? The is part of the system and installed by the system. To upgrade to Photos 4.0 you need to upgrade the system to macOS 10.14 Mojave.
But upgrading to a newer Photos version will not bring back the Buy button. The message is misleading.
It is too late now. Apple stopped the printing service for books and other print products. The last orders had to be placed by September 30.
To order books and calendars directly from Photos you need now to install third party projects extension, and these require an upgrade to Photos 3.0 on High Sierra or Photos 4.0 on Mojave.
If you do not want to upgrade your Mac past macOS 10.12 Sierra, save your book or calendar as a PDF file and send it for printing to a different service.
Presto Photo can print books similar to the Apple books from PDF files you upload, and you can create calendars there as well.
See: Photo Book Printing, Color Book Printing, and Calendar Printing - PrestoPhoto
To create a PDF file of your book or calendar see: Preview a print project in Photos or iPhoto to avoid issues - Apple Support
For background reading on the new way books are handled by Photos:
See: Old Toad: Post 9/30/2018 Printing Options for Photos
and also: Use Project Extensions to order print products in Photos after September 30, 2018
Create and order print products in Photos with Project Extension
In Photos 4.0 on Mojave all tools to create native Apple print products (Cards, books, Calendars) have been completely removed. If you like to create PDFs of books, do not upgrade past Photos 3.0 and High Sierra.
If you're still able to print your calendar to PDF and have a FedEx Business and Print Center (formally Kinkos) near you you can have them print and bind the calendar.
If there's no FedEx center near you look for other printers who might be able to print and bind the calendar from a PDF. Since the calendar is already created it might be easier than trying to recreate it at one of the online providers.
cant order calendar, update photos necessary