Each time I open the finder window, and viewing the file info, normally on the third file the finder closes. it will also close if I'm opening files, normally again after opening 3-4 files. I have tried deleting the com.apple.finder.plist & com.apple.sidebarlists.plist. But the problem still persist.
Yes, it tells me your Java is up to date. so although Java may be reporting the "IAException", the problem is likely to be in something invoking it, although nothing you've told me gives me a clue.
Are you by any chance getting a Finder Crash Log when this happens? It would be in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Finder.crash.log if you can get into the Console application. If it exists, it may tell us more.
I am having a similar issue where Finder closes/crashes when opening a folder, but for me it happens when I am accessing a peripheral device. So far, it has occured with a LaCie FireWire hard drive (porsche model) and with a USB flash drive.
I can't even get one folder deep -- when I double-click on the desktop icon, the main folder opens quickly, then closes, then Finder blinks off/on.
I can access the files on the peripheral device if I go through a program (File -> Open through Photoshop, for example); both Open and Save work correctly via this method. I can also drag + copy file into the peripheral drive, and they copy fine. I just can't open the peripherals from Finder.
This is happening on two iMacs (20" model, both are 2.16 GHx Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM). This also happened recently with one specific folder on one machine, that is our mock server, and the second computer file shares with the main machine. I reinstalled the operating system on the main machine, and everything works fine in terms of file sharing now, it's just the peripherals we are having an issue with.
Anyone have any ideas? Please let me know if you need me to generate/post any bug reports -- otherwise, I get no crash/error messages from the operating system.
That date at the beginning (March 11) would correspond with when I purchased/ set up the machine (sorry if all that is too much info)
The console log is as follows;
Mac OS X Version 10.4.9 (Build 8P2137)
2007-06-12 20:23:08 +0300
2007-06-12 20:23:14.668 SystemUIServer[138] lang is:en
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /Applications/DVD Player.app/Contents/MacOS/DVD Player: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /System/Library/PreferencePanes/UniversalAccessPref.prefPane/Contents/Resources /UniversalAccess.app/Contents/MacOS/UniversalAccess: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /Applications/iCal.app/Contents/Resources/iCalAlarmScheduler.app/Contents/MacOS /iCalAlarmScheduler: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SystemUIServer: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Resources/iTunesHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/iTu nesHelper: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/rcd.app/Contents/MacOS/rcd: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer SymSecondaryLaunch[146]: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /Library/Application Support/Norton Solutions Support/SymQuickMenu/SymQuickMenu.app/Contents/MacOS/SymQuickMenu: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:33 Rods-Computer /Library/Application Support/Norton Solutions Support/Norton AntiVirus/ScanNotification.app/Contents/MacOS/ScanNotification: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
Jun 13 07:15:37 Rods-Computer loginwindow[65]: removeDisplayMapping: _CGSUnmapFramebuffer returns -536870206
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
Now, all of this is greek to me but that entire trail is after only one attempt to open finder - and it appears the times referenced in it reflect that.
(March 11) would correspond with when I purchased/ set up the machine
OK, and you were on 10.4.8 then, so it's not relevant to your present difficulties.
I don't like all these
removeDisplayMapping messages!
Your Console Log shows you are using Norton Anti-Virus. Why? I'm not saying it is causing all these errors, but it would be good to remove all the Norton stuff, at least temporarily, and then see how things behave. As far as I am aware, NAV on its own is OK, but the background processes can confuse the issue. So disable these:
SymSecondaryLaunch /Library/Application Support/Norton Solutions Support/SymQuickMenu/SymQuickMenu.app /Library/Application Support/Norton Solutions Support/Norton AntiVirus/ScanNotification.app If that doesn't fix things, I would think you should consider an Archive & Install, since something is very wrong at the heart of your system:
Mac OS X 10.4: About installation options Mac OS X : About the Archive and Install Feature.
Norton has also been a headache for me - I almost mentioned it before however I wasn't certain the two were related. (BTW I have no other software issues now that I've not disclosed).
Background: When I purchased this machine (Macbook Pro) I attempted to install NAV (bought/used on my previous Ibook). I had several messages telling me to reinstall, yet it kept downloading Live Updates. Through a series of exchanges with Norton, I learned that version does not work with Macbook. So, uninstall, right? Well, thats been a royal pain as bascially the un-install Norton provides with the installation CD does not cut it. Anyhow, short story long I've removed Norton from my computer, emptied the trash and smashed the installation cd into little tiny pieces before dropping them into an incinerator...
Mac OS X Version 10.4.9 (Build 8P2137)
2007-06-14 13:15:19 +0300
2007-06-14 13:15:24.212 SystemUIServer[171] lang is:en
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException'
I suspect you'll propose that I back it all up and archive/ install?
As well, I would think Apple would want to know about this problem but having been all through their website I cannot locate a method to notify them. Is there a way you know of I can report this?
Once again, I really do appreciate your patience in assisting me.
Well, no, it isn't
still happening. That is the same log you posted before, dated 11th March, and with 10.4.8. You might just as well delete that log, it's not much use for anything now.
But at least the console log is now only reporting the "IAException" errors. As I said before, the only links I could find for that message were in German.
I suspect you'll propose that I back it all up and archive/ install?
Yes, I suggested that before, so unless you can find a German speaking friend to translate those for you, it would be quicker to go that route.
I cannot locate a method to notify them.
Well, I don't see a link on the support pages either, but the
Mac OS X Feedback page is still there. This isn't primarily intended for errors, but at least someone will read your post.
Ah- sorry. I assumed the logs updated themselves. I've deleted that- is there a way to generate a new one once I get Finder to crash again (the latter I'm well versed at)?
The crash log file will be generated as needed. If the file exists, the new log will be
appended, and each log contains the line of asterisks separating it from the others, together with the header including the date and time.
So whatever is happening to your Finder at the moment is
not generating a crash log.
I too am getting the same line when trying to view a directory — I double-click a folder, the window opens and immediately closes and restarts the finder — resulting in a
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IAException' in the Console.
I've got mine narrowed down to some bad folder directories. I copied some files from our oldest server at work (an old NT sever) via a non-Intel iMac to an external Western Digital HD. Many files on that HD are now "corrupt" for lack of a better word. And some of the directories on this HD are the problem.
I thought it was the external, but I can
view all files perfectly via my iBook (10.3.9). Now, there are a quite a few files that won't open on my iBook. Coincidentally, these files are in the same directories that crash the finder of my Intel iMac.