I watch a lot of movies on my computer. My screen has been dimming (even though it's on the highest bright setting) after 5-10 minutes of no movement on the trackpad/keyboard. I tried to change some settings, but I'm not sure if I adjusted the right ones.
I've been having this problem with both movies playing from the internet and actual DVDs.
The ones you need to change are in the battery settings. Depending on if you are running on the battery or power adapter open up "Energy Saver" which can be found under your batter icon. Once there, if you are running on the power adapter change the settings so that the monitor never dims or goes to sleep.
There should be no reason to reset the PRAM by the way. You can also set the battery settings to the same as the adapter but be aware that you will greatly shorten the time between charges. FYI.
No need for any 3rd party software or going into Terminal.
Open System Preferences/Energy Saver. Under Settings for: select Power Adapter. Click on Options. Uncheck the box that says "Automatically reduce the brightness of the display before display sleep". Then under Settings for: select Battery, and uncheck the box that says "Automatically reduce the brightness of the display before display sleep".
Hi Tom,
How do I open Terminal? It's in Library >Application Support > Terminal. When I open the folder, nothing is in it. How do I enter the steps you list? Thank!