Final Cut Pro + Dropbox

I've been using Final Cut Pro with Dropbox for about 3 years, and now after running some updates these programs don't want to play nicely together. When trying to open a Final Cut Pro library file that is saved to my Dropbox (but synced to my computer and available offline) Dropbox gives an error message that says the file can't be opened from iCloud Drive (even though it's in Dropbox, not iCloud.)

When trying to create a new library, I get a similar message saying I can't save the file to iCloud Drive (when again, I'm using Dropbox synced to my Mac)

Any suggestions? Not sure if this is a Dropbox issue or a Final Cut issue or both. Thank you!

Posted on Jan 4, 2023 9:06 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on May 24, 2023 7:21 PM

I have used FCPX + Dropbox for many many years with no issues, and now apple breaks everything again. I found a workaround that allows me to continue to sync FCPX libraries through Dropbox after the LATEST UPDATE using Sparse Disk Images in Disk Utility. It just adds just one quick extra step mounting and unmounting the image. You first create your sparse disk image in disk utility and save it to any Dropbox folder wherever you want. (Make sure to set your image size to something large enough. Default is 100 MB, I always choose 1 TB. This doesn't make the image that size right away, it just tells the image the size limit). I then mount the image and save my FCPX library inside the image. It appears as if it was an external HD on the left. After that, everything works like normal. You do your edit, add media just like normal, the only added step from here on out is you just have to mount the drive before opening the FCPX library, and unmount the drive when you are done. Working for us.

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May 24, 2023 7:21 PM in response to TBjessica

I have used FCPX + Dropbox for many many years with no issues, and now apple breaks everything again. I found a workaround that allows me to continue to sync FCPX libraries through Dropbox after the LATEST UPDATE using Sparse Disk Images in Disk Utility. It just adds just one quick extra step mounting and unmounting the image. You first create your sparse disk image in disk utility and save it to any Dropbox folder wherever you want. (Make sure to set your image size to something large enough. Default is 100 MB, I always choose 1 TB. This doesn't make the image that size right away, it just tells the image the size limit). I then mount the image and save my FCPX library inside the image. It appears as if it was an external HD on the left. After that, everything works like normal. You do your edit, add media just like normal, the only added step from here on out is you just have to mount the drive before opening the FCPX library, and unmount the drive when you are done. Working for us.

May 6, 2024 11:22 AM in response to veggynt

This is essentially the same issue discussed here: How to Edit Final Cut Project on Two Macs… - Apple Community

While it's understandable that users would want to use cloud services to replicate an active FCP library, the root problem is MacOS does not have "mandatory" file locking. It's not like Windows whereby a file opened for writing automatically blocks readers. That is why on MacOS you almost never see an error like "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

You can use Finder to copy an entire library even though it's open and in use by FCP. But you aren't guaranteed to get a consistent version of the library. It could easily be damaged if it's copied during FCP data writes.

Likewise the Dropbox sync program can easily read files from an FCP library that are being actively updated. Those updates will be transmitted to other users who have access to that library. When the library is read, it could easily be halfway through a transaction involving multiple SQL tables. Those SQL tables must be updated as a single "atomic" operation, else the data will become inconsistent.

On both people's machines, it's a local on-disk library -- but one in which Dropbox is constantly monitoring it, reading any changes and propagating that to the other user's version of that library.

This is inherently risky but (depending on the circumstances) you may get away with it for a long time before you encounter a damaged library and lost edits. If neither source machine never hangs or crashes, and if the recipient is not running FCP when the sync takes place, and if there's never a network glitch or error during the sync, it will probably work. But if any of those things happen, it can damage the library.

Imagine a bank database where debits and credits between different accounts are happening. If you just grabbed a snapshot of that, it would contain debits with no matching credits -- IOW money would be missing. Transactional integrity would be lost.

I believe that is likely why FCP will not open a library which is stored on Dropbox if using the updated Dropbox file provider interface. This closes a risk which should have never been allowed in the first place. It is very likely not a bug, it's by design.

It is possible to transfer FCP libraries using Dropbox but those should be offline and ideally ZIP'd or compressed using CRC checksum protection.

Jan 4, 2023 9:12 AM in response to TBjessica

Not sure how you managed to use Dropbox for three years. FCP doesn't support cloud based content of any kind. You might park libraries in a Dropbox folder, but if FCP needs to access it from the cloud it's going to fail. The application I'm sure doesn't have a dialog specifically for Dropbox so it's just putting up the generic cloud warning assuming it's iCloud.

Mar 2, 2023 6:12 AM in response to PhilipZilfo

The copy paste function into a library bundle sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

All the productions I’ve been connected with don’t sync libraries but use transfer libraries to swap relevant portions like projects or events with projects and multicam. They’re much smaller and can be moved around very quickly with WhatsApp or email or Dropbox if you like.

Mar 27, 2023 12:08 AM in response to PhilipZilfo

I had the same issue using One Drive. Worked for years and one day it stopped. Posted about it back in October: When I try to open Library from OneDrive … - Apple Community. There doesn't seem to be a fix. Every response is always "move it to your local folder". My team and I stopped using Final Cut because it is impossible to collaborate on projects and not being able to easily collaborate is a deal breaker. We have moved over to other software. Good Luck!

Feb 18, 2023 12:12 AM in response to RDayno

”Changing the location of your Dropbox folder is no longer supported by macOS.

  • Your Dropbox folder will be moved to ~/Library/CloudStorage.
  • Due to the change of the Dropbox folder location, files that were previously linked in some third-party applications will need to be linked again.
  • Storing your Dropbox folder on an external drive is no longer supported by macOS.
  • Your Dropbox folder in Finder will now be found under Locationsinstead of Favorites.
  • Individual folders can be moved from your Dropbox folder to Favorites for quick access.”

Dropbox is not good anymore. You can downgrade here:

In the long run I believe it’s better lo look into alternatives. Like who still lets you choose where to have the folder located. But do ignore som files, like .fcpcache which is annoying:

Jan 4, 2023 9:17 AM in response to Tom Wolsky

I think the way it was working for me was because the files are (or were) synced to my laptop. I just figured out that after updating, MacOS now forces Dropbox files to be stored within a "CloudStorage" subfolder rather than directly within the Mac Library, so I think that's what has caused this to break for me. I'll have to figure out a new storage workflow. Thanks anyway!

Feb 17, 2023 8:03 PM in response to TBjessica

I had a similar situation and sent the following support request to Dropbox. I have a hunch this may be due to SymLinks (i.e. a symbolic link used to point to a file or directory) since I saw that Dropbox now uses "/Users/myUserAccount/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox" and after the upgrade you cannot change the location, even if you wanted to, to a local, SAN, or supported SMB location. I'm not about to start messing with the pList or other metadata.

I'm a long-time Dropbox user, and pay for Plus Plan. I've never had any issue with anything until today when I upgraded the app on my MacBook Air M1, 2020 model, running macOS Ventura Version 13.0.1. Strangely, the version remained at v167.4.4719 after the upgrade, but things went downhill quickly. 

After the upgrade, I attempted to open a Final Cut Pro file that I had never had any problems with and was given the message "This document cannot be opened from iCloud Drive. Copy the document to a local, SAN, or supported SMB location, then try again”. 

I looked into this more and discovered that Dropbox now maps to “/Users/myUserAccount/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox”. I cannot change the location via the dropbox app anymore. I'm basically stuck and will have to restore my Mac image from a backup. Better yet, I’ll just rebuild my machine to ensure Dropbox doesn’t leave any metadata behind. 

This "upgrade" really broke things, and if I can't get it fixed, I'm afraid I'll need to cancel my business. I hope it doesn't come to that. 

Thanks so much for your help in advance.

Mar 2, 2023 4:11 AM in response to TBjessica

Have exactly the same problem.. I've been working with FPCX and Dropbox happily for 3 years.. no problems.. I just make the files available offline and I open them and work without any issues with all my changes being synced in realtime. This is a big blow.. I'm dealing with huge libraries and having to copy back and forth is a major workflow hindrance now. Once again, "progress" results in loss of functionality, convenience, productivity and time.. I just spent a whole hour with dropbox live chat support to see what the issue is and the conclusion we came to was that this is a problem from Apple and not dropbox. They've forwarded this issue to their tech department to see if there's a workaround.. but for now this really throws a wrench in the works. I thought Macs were all about productivity.. Imagine how many people work directly from synced files on google drive or dropbox. I regret doing the dropbox update yesterday but I guess this was inevitable. I can't be stuck on an older dropbox version inevitably. Any suggestions for alternatives to dropbox that don't have this issue? I wish Apple would address this.. So many professionals use such workflows..

Mar 2, 2023 4:53 AM in response to PhilipZilfo

I'm curious how the users here are working with FCP and cloud storage. Dropbox and others should only be used with FCP for sharing zipped files. Media and especially library bundles should never be used with Dropbox or iCloud or any other cloud storage. This particularly important for libraries that are complex folder/database structures which should only be stored on Apple formatted or network formatted drives. Other formats don't handle this content correctly, and the unzipped material can be corrupted.

Mar 2, 2023 5:42 AM in response to Tom Wolsky

Hi Tom,

as I said, I've been working like this for 3 years seamlessly and with no issues whatsoever. First, I make sure the library bundle file (.fcpbundle) is set to available offline and it is completely synced.. Then you can open the library file and it opens in FCPX with no issues.. I work on the file and as I make changes and edits, it gets synced in realtime to dropbox's servers. When I finish working, I close FCPX and allow dropbox to finish syncing the last changes. Then I inform the other team member working in another country that they can open the library once it has finished syncing at their end. Of course, it also has to be set to "available offline" at their end too.. This is how I've worked for 3 years and it seems I'm not the only one.

Yes, I wouldn't expect FCPX to work with Dropbox if the files were set to online-only. But this is not how I've been working. Always, set to available offline. Unfortunately, the latest dropbox update has forced the dropbox folder to be kept in users/username/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox and it shows up under locations in finder. Now for some reason, MacOS isn't able to ascertain that the library bundle file has completely downloaded. When I try to open it in FCPX, it gives me the same message as the original poster. So FCPX seems to thing that this file is "online only" and isn't actually downloaded to the mac. Additionally, when I try to copy the library bundle file to a local folder, I get this error message: "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8062)". I looked this up and this error seems to imply that I'm trying to copy something that hasn't been fully synced from some cloud location. It's a disaster for me. I've managed to figure out a workaround for now but I'm so frustrated and disappointed with this.

My workaround is to right click on the library bundle in the dropbox folder and click show package contents. Then I select all the contents and COPY them. Then with final cut, I create a new empty library on a local drive. I make sure to give it the same name as the one that I have on dropbox. I close final cut. I find the new library file, show package contents and PASTE the contents and choose replace all. Then when I open this new library file, it opens fine in final cut and has all the contents as expected.

My next adventure is to find out how I'm going to copy the library back to dropbox so that I can sync it and have my team member work on it.. this is such a disaster honestly. Really regret updating yesterday and dropbox support said that I actually can't install an older version anymore.. I hope.. somebody somewhere at Apple and/or dropbox is working on this. It's a huge blow to our productivity and workflow. Can anybody suggest any alternatives?

P.S. additionally I noticed that previously I could always show package contents on the fcpbundle file even while it was syncing.. So i could see which contents were already synced and which were still downloading. Now I can't show package contents until syncing is complete.. so weird.

Mar 2, 2023 6:27 AM in response to Tom Wolsky

Any online resource you can send me to explain how this works? Keep in mind, the footage is shot in another country, added to the library by the person who shot it and then i let it sync at my end and then i can open it from here. Also, often when i finish working on a project, the person at the other end will open the library to make some adjustments etc. before exporting. I'd like to read up about the solution that you're suggesting. Any links you can send me?

Mar 2, 2023 6:36 AM in response to PhilipZilfo

Mike Matzdorff did a good book on collaborative working a few years ago. I don’t know if there’s a new edition.

This is from a few years ago as well, but it’s still relevant.

Mar 2, 2023 6:41 AM in response to Tom Wolsky

ok thanks buddy.. I'll read through it and see what I can figure out from it. It's funny.. He's talking about finding away to collaborate on a FCPX project.. the irony of it.. I've been doing that seamlessly for 3 years.. it has been so reliable and flawless. Like, the solution was there. And now it isn't. And the other issue is that I can't even copy the library bundle from dropbox to a local folder. It gives me an error "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8062)". Like how am I supposed to work if I can't open it directly in dropbox and I can't even copy it to another location? That's why my workaround involved opening the package and copying the contents to another fresh library on my hard drive.

Final Cut Pro + Dropbox

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