10.9.2 and Airplay issues
10.9.2 while being a critical update for 10.9's security, has appeared to give people difficulty with Airplay.
10.9.3 is now available. It may be worth testing for Airplay, to see if it works again. Remember only work on a clone, or an independent install of your production system to test the capability.
Note the Airplay compatible Apple Mac machines:
Some solutions offered include:
1. Removing Air Parrot if present.
2. Ensuring your router is 10.9.2 compatible, and your Airplay devices all have their operating system current.
3. Trying a hardware solution comparable to Airplay listed on:
4. Removing third party networking software and proxies.
5. Downgrading to 10.8.5 or earlier, not affected by the 10.9 SSL bug:
6. Turn off Bluetooth in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Bluetooth. If you are missing Bluetooth, launch it from
System -> Library -> PreferencePanes to be able to ensure it is turned off. Mind you, if you have a Bluetooth wireless keyboard or mouse or
trackpad this solution won't work. Note, many USB receiver wireless keyboards don't use Bluetooth, such as certain ones by Logitech. Double check with
third party vendors for wireless solutions. Apple's wireless does use Bluetooth.
7. Reportedly working in 10.9.3 again using this hint from: copythat23
TS4215 Re: Airplay won't change to mirror iMac from Extend Desktop
Apr 22, 2014 10:40 AM (in response to Siberiankj)
For all of you out there that have not installed AIRparrot here is the fix.
Applications>Utilites>Uninstall Air Display
Let your computer restart and that should be it. Im not sure what caused the problem but this sure fixes it.
Not all solutions will work for all people. If you can reproduce this bug at will, and have some semblance of being a developer, please sign up for http://developer.apple.com/ and submit a bug report at http://bugreporter.apple.com/ so Apple can isolate this issue, and people can choose to upgrade to 10.9 safely.