Buying at Best Buy vs. Apple store - cost and warranty...
Well, I checked Best Buy first and they have safe build date Touches. After talking to the guy there, I thought about some things after he pitched the extended service plan/warranty.
At Best Buy, I can get 3 years coverage for $59.99. That's EXACTLY the same as the cost of the Apple protection plan...
Now, here's two scenarios:
1) I buy from Best Buy, pay $399.99 for the 16G, pay $59.99 for a 3 year coverage plan that GOES ON TOP OF the 1 year Apple warranty plus tax. If the Touch dies or breaks, whatever, I can return it to Best Buy within the 4 years I own it and it will get replaced as the guy told me they don't fix iPods...
2) I buy it from Apple, pay $399.99 for the 16G, pay $59.99 for what Apple calls a 2 year plan, but really, the warranty coverage if something goes wrong is an additional year beyond the normal 1 year the iPod comes with standard, plus tax.
So, why would I buy from Apple when I can get 4 years of coverage vs. 2 years at the very same price.
The lady at Apple stated I would receive the Tech Support with the service plan, but really, these forums can answer most issues concerning technical stuff. I really just want to cover any manufacturer defects, mechanical failures, etc. The Apple plan is only 2 years total for the same basic thing Best Buy offers, but their plan goes 2 years beyond that.
Am I getting it wrong? Tell me why I shouldn't buy from Best Buy... <!-- ZoneLabs Popup Blocking Insertion -->
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20GB iPod - 2004, Windows XP