everytime I plug my ipod touch in it crashes my laptop straight away it comes up in the bottom right saying windows has detected a still digital camera.
I just experienced the same problem for these past few days. My iPod Touch would
crash my version of Windows XP Pro, SP2 after connecting it and days after updating the firmware.
I followed apple's advice to update a few drivers, but it was to no avail, BSOD would still appear. I saw one suggestion stating that removing photos from your iPod would fix this. I knew i didn't have any photos sync'd to my iPod.
However, i was wrong. there was one single still image of a screenshot on my touch. it was an image of a contact list on facebook. I discovered this by plugging in my ipod touch to a friends laptop that had not installed the ipod software nor iTunes. It came up as a "Digital still camera", much to my grief and when expecting BSOD on my friend's machine, it instead revealed the IMG file. I quickly deleted it and returned to my PC to plug the touch in. Success!
I hope Apple can fix this issue, though. As a photo-buff, i'd like to see this technology not fall to the way of a seemingly minor issue with the firmware. I can see alot of heavy-photo loaders getting frustrated with this error. Hope everyone can resolve their issue with as much efficiency as possible!