I bought OCZ ram for my father's Aluminum MacBook, 2x2GB kit, and have had problems with having no video when waking up the MacBook from sleep. The HD would spin up and the keyboard would light up but no video. i would have to do a hard shut down and restart.
I contacted OCZ who said the ram should work in the MacBook and suggested I just install one stick at a time to see if I had a bad stick. I tried each stick of 2GB ram in each slot and restarted. This is what I found out:
Each stick alone in the upper slot would work fine, no problems waking from sleep, no Finder restarts. But once I tried each stick in the lower slot that was when problems came up. No video when waking from sleep and occasional Finder restarts.
So now the question is, is it the ram or the slot? Once I put back the original ram no problems. I tested the OCZ ram using the Apple Diagnostic test and MemTest and they passed.
I then bought Mushkin ram from NewEgg,
and haven't had a problem. I suspect that maybe there is something that Mushkin knows that OCZ doesn't. Maybe there is something that causes problems when you have non-Apple supplied ram installed in the lower slot. I don't know for sure. I am just happy that the Mushkin ram right now is working. Now what do I do with the OCZ ram? : )