Error 0xE8000065
Dell Latitude D510, Windows XP
Dell Latitude D510, Windows XP
This has been happening to me for a few weeks. Same error. Today after it happened again, I unplugged my lightning cable from one USB port in my computer and put it in a different port.
iTunes opened just fine and went through the backup process flawlessly.
Can't say why this fixed it, but it did.
So I just updated my iPhone yesterday and ever since I can't connect to my computer... I have changed the name on my phone and iTunes and my phone are up to date. I have got a new chord too... Is there a reason for this?! I have IOS 6.1
I tried the below suggestion n it worked...
Change the name on your phone under Settings > General > About > Name
If it says iphone it could be the cause, it was for me.
Once I changed it to Michelle's iphone everything worked perfectly đ
Hello I do not understand nothing about pc and even devices but I solved this issue and this is how and hope it helps:
First I unistalled itunes from PC and everything with the word apple in it .
Than I installed the latest version of itunes again with my iphone not conected to pc.
After installed I updated itunes which you can find software in All Programs.
On my device I ve changes the name of my iphone from settings :about
When updateds are ready conect iphone and should be done.
Use rear usb not the front ones.
How this is helpful for everyone
I sorted out this problem by using a different USB port worked fine synced no problem. the strange thing was once the phone had synced I plugged it back into the original USB port and it worked đ
Finally worked for me too by plugging into USB in back of desktop. Wish I had tried this first.
Try turn GENIUS ON on iTunes đ u will be happy!
thanks a lot man it worked for me u saved my life thanks a lot
hey everyone this helped me resolve this issue.
I have a 5th generation iPod touch and this problem started for me completely out of the blue. The computer recognizes the device, but iTunes does not and displays the message with either error code 0xE8000065 or error code 0xE8000003 (the latter of which being the most frequent); the iPod then asks whether the computer can be trusted, once the iPod's message is dismissed, the previous warning message reappears on the computer.
I've tried most of the possible solutions listed here and none of them have worked thus far
- I've renamed my iPod
- I deleted the lockdown folder as explained in the technogeekery link
- I've plugged the usb cable (the one that came with the iPod) into every possible usb slot on my computer
- I've restarted the computer, iTunes and the iPod
- iTunes and the iPod are both up to date
The only things I haven't done are restore the iPod, reinstall iTunes or buy a new usb cord. I'm uneasy restoring the iPod because the backups are all on this computer. I only just reinstalled iTunes after encountering another unrelated issue, and I really don't feel like dropping $20 on a new cable that will most likely solve nothing.
I've had iTunes for nearly a decade now and despite all the annoyances and glitches there was usually a solution to any given problem, but I am really at a loss as to what is causing this. However, I'm really surprised this thread has been active for the past 5 years with little to no response from Apple - that alone is downright insulting.
I changed the name and power cord, that fixed for me
well my problem is that it is my ipad .....when I keep trying to connect it itunes keep saying something about an iphone... alll I have is an ipad an now it is not syncing in with itunes. should I uninstall the program?
I had this error when syncing bot an Ipod and an Ipad on the same USB port (Not at the same time ofcourse..đ). When I used another port for the second device, all was fine.
Thank you so much for this!! I had a non genuine apple cord that i was using, and i saw the error so many times so i found one of my genuine ones.. and it worked!! thank you thank you thank you!
I was having this same problem. Two different computers wouldn't recognize my iPhone. I tried several of the suggestions in this thread and also in the suggestions in the official Apple response but none of them worked. Turned out the simplest solution (which I didn't see here but I didn't read all 14 pages of replies) worked - just powering the iPhone off and back on.
Don't know if that will work for everyone since I don't know what causes the problem in the first place. But since I didn't see it suggested anywhere, I thought I should pass it along in case it can help someone out.
Six years later and still don't know how to permanently fix this. Really apple?
Error 0xE8000065