Error 0xE8000065
Dell Latitude D510, Windows XP
Dell Latitude D510, Windows XP
This has been happening to me for a few weeks. Same error. Today after it happened again, I unplugged my lightning cable from one USB port in my computer and put it in a different port.
iTunes opened just fine and went through the backup process flawlessly.
Can't say why this fixed it, but it did.
(0xE8000065) FIX
yesterday i spend houres to fix it but i didn't succeed.
this morning i did.🙂
settings ,general ,reset ,reset all settings
now my iphone shows up in itunes an i can sync again.
good luck.
Where would one go to fix his settings? In his computer? Are you using a Mac or PC? Are your directions for iTunes or for your computer?
Commenting back would be most helpful.
Hey, thank u very very much... after hours lost I finally found your post and solved a problem 😀 😀 😀, everyone who has installed wi-fi sync app just uninstall it and everything should work fine 🙂
Cheers from Croatia
I have this problem all the time! For weeks and weeks it won't sync properly, then all of a sudden it will.
Nothing's changed, it's not like I've upgraded my software - it's just really, really choosy about when it wants to sync!
This is obviously a common problem, so I hope it does eventually get fixed...
Hi team - guess what this is simple.. I just read all of the stuff everyone went through. Change your cable connection or buy a new one that is a apple one. I had the same issue, with a cable that is either old, not congruent, corroded, heck I don't know. Bought a new one, and it works fine.. Let me know how it goes.. Take care and good luck..
I found the opposite. My brand new 4s USB charging/sych cable was at fault. Changed it with one from the dollar store no problems now ?!?
Hey guys,
We had a similar problem with one of our company phones and fixed the error by doing the following:
1. Open the "Device Manager" on your computer
2. Uninstall "Apple iPhone"
3. Re-install iPhone by dis-connecting and then re-connecting the iPhone to the computer
4. Download latest version of Itunes
5. Open windows "Control Panel" > "Uninstall or Change a Program"
6. Uninstall Itunes from your computer
7. Make sure that the iPhone is plugged into the computer
8. Install Itunes using the latest version you downloaded earlier
Once Itunes has finished installing, make sure that you select "Start Itunes after closing installer" and your iPhone should then show up in Itunes with no error messages.
We know that this process may take some time, but hopefully it will work for you guys as well.
All the Best!
The Team
Not a techie here. Just wanted to say I have everything Apple and everything is up to date. I get that message lately, on the iMac, actually I think since they changed the phone OS, but...everything still syncs...even though the message keeps coming up. Don't's annoying.....and I've always had issues trying to sync my calendars...that's super annoying.
Gerrr! I'm still getting that error! I followed everything on here and still get it. New iPhone APPLE charger, old charger, China's charger. It will only charge via the original wall charger, but not on any computer I've tried so far. WHAT IS YOUR DEAL APPLE! This is about my last **** straw!
Change the name on your phone under Settings > General > About > Name
If it says iphone it could be the cause, it was for me.
Once I changed it to Michelle's iphone everything worked perfectly 🙂
What bestbuy said works !!!
I had the 0xE8000065 error from restoring to ios 5.1.1 (iphone 3gs) all i did was change where i put the USB connector and changed it to the root. Everything worked fine after that it was able to restore easily
I was having the same problem but I deleted a photo that I had gotten from an app & it started syncing my ipod
not working i tried
I resolved this issue by connecting the device to another computer with iTunes installed on it. Instantly connected to the device and synced as it should.
Error 0xE8000065