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What??? No new Touch with a camera??

sheesh, the Nano gets a camera and the Touch is essentially the same "old" Touch with a larger option now of 64GB. YAWN!!!!

Windows Vista, Windows XP-SP3 - Ipod 4G, Ipod Mini 2G, Shuffle 2G, Nano 2G, Touch 2G

Posted on Sep 9, 2009 11:26 AM

136 replies

Sep 9, 2009 10:56 PM in response to First_ever_ipod

The 3G refers to third-generation cell phone network technology, not the iPhone itself. iPhone 3G means that it is designed to work on 3G networks, not that it is a third-generation iPhone. Fourth-generation (4G) cell phone networks are currently in development, so there will be an iPhone 4G at some point in the future.

As far as iPods and iPhones go, I don't think Apple has a standardized system for classifying the hardware generation of its products. Considering the way Apple likes to spring hardware updates on its customers unannounced, I suspect this is an area where they prefer to remain obscure.

As for the latest iTouch release, I fully expect to see an iPod touch with a camera at some point in the future. How far off into the future that might be is anyone's guess, but I've been burned too many times in the past by Apple's product releases, so I'm going to pass on this one. My first-generation iPod touch is still perfectly suitable for my needs (which I bought, by they way, barely two months before the second-generation iTouch was released).

Sep 10, 2009 4:00 AM in response to David.

Put me in the camp of wanting the camera in (what would have been) my first Touch.

Still considering getting one. Can someone give me a sense of the improved performance one would see in the 2nd Gen/3rd Gen 8GB vs.the 32GB/64GB models?

I've rarely used a TOuch or iPhone and wonder if it wil make that much of a differnce. I'll mainly be using it as an iPod, video player, wireless remote, and some apps (especially Evernote).



Message was edited by: Tyler Snouffer

Sep 10, 2009 7:31 AM in response to David.

Ok, first I would like to congratulate Steve Jobs for a safe return to Apple. I'm glad things are going well for him.

Unfortunately, the keynote was a disaster. Every year I look forward to seeing new iPods, every year there were radical changes made - most of which were good. So what's the deal with Apple re-releasing an iTouch that's virtually the same despite it being faster and having more memory? I see that as a slap in the face for iTouch lovers! Sure, let's release a nano that has a video camera, polished color aluminum, built in Nike, and built in FM. How hard is it to release an iTouch with polished color aluminum, built in Nike, built in FM and a Camera?? The iPhone has a camera so it's not like it's a complex task to handle.......

My next iPod was going to be the iTouch. Now I have to wait another year for Apple to get their act in gear and provide us with proper updates.

As I firmly believe, updating only one item from a group of items while advertising that all the items are new is no different than a job done half-***.

Such a disappointing event... (Except for seeing Jobs back in action ^^)

Sep 10, 2009 7:52 AM in response to Nicolas Richards

You are correct. The iPod update is a very ho hum basic refresh that they do with all their products all the time. The bad part is they turned the iTouch into the stepchild that lacks the now basic features that are found in most of their other products - being the camera. The iTouch, especially the $399 model, should have the still/video camera that's found in the iPhone. But Apple is too afraid this device would cannibalize sales of iPhones. A really bad marketing decision in my opinion.

Newflash to Apple: I wasn't ever planning to buy an iPhone, and now I won't be buying an iPod Touch either, until you rectify this glaring omission.

P.S. Of course I have sent this feedback to Apple.

Sep 10, 2009 7:59 AM in response to Solid

I have a 1st generation ipod touch and I did not get the 2nd generation because I thought they would include a camera in the 3rd generation. I have waited over a year for the 3rd generation and have concluded that they will never add a camera to the ipod touch SO I have decided to update to the 3rd gen. and get the ipod nano too(just for the camera and fm radio)

Sep 10, 2009 8:01 AM in response to Solid

another newsflash: I will NEVER, EVER, EVER buy an iPhone. I want my phone to be separate from my Touch. I can kill the battery on my Touch surfin' the web, listening to Pandora, reading e-books, etc, etc and NOT WORRY that I'm killing my PHONE, which will be a separate device for me. No matter that Apple has sold 10's of millions of iPhones, there are some of us who want a full featured Touch, and NOT an iPhone. And many of us wouldn't touch an iPhone as long as it is only available via AT&T.

*You are totally correct--the Touch is now a poor stepchild, and it doesn't deserve such an ignoble place in the iPod lineup.*

Sep 10, 2009 8:37 AM in response to David.

I was really looking forward to a camera and video recorder in the Touch. I read Pogue's interview with Jobs. Jobs cited that users want the Touch to be a gaming machine. He also stated that they want to get the price down where everybody can afford it. I hope he isn't missing the boat on adults that can afford it at the price it was at and would have upgraded for a camera and a video recorder.

Many of you might say - get the phone. I like my phone and entertainment to be separate. Much easier to entertain my kids without have to rip it away when I get a call.

Sep 12, 2009 12:11 AM in response to Solid

The only thing that really hurts companies and mind you this is meant as "Constuctive Feedback" instead of bashing is when companies become complacent or try to economize resorting to cutting corners, unfair practices and hurting their products by trying to decide what is best for their company and consumers rather than genuinely listening to consumers and giving them what they want which is why people are so disappointed to begin with in apples lackluster event.

Ok so we have larger drives - whoopee, faster cpu - whoopee, too bad we've heard this song and dance before therefore that is the equivalent of = same old, no new features other than the previous mentioned and cannibalizing the touch when it could be so much more is the equivalent = unfair practices.. and cutting corners so as to make a profit while offering very little of anything genuinely innovative thats different is the equivalent of = hurting your product.

Zune is out there and the ipod/iphone clones and other wannabe competitors (and some with products that actually aren't really that bad or as restrictive) and the fact is aside from such companies existing let alone getting an edge in even if the ipod touch had a camera and video recording, mic and other capabilities ect it is "STILL AN IPOD TOUCH" so even remotely comparing the two because of similar additional components still would not make an apple into an orange so please spare the excuses including how it can stagnate iphone sales and lets look at this.

The iphone is an entirely different machine even if both were to have similar components and it is not the ipod touch that can cannibalize the iphone which is in a different class and category altogether, what truly cannibalizes the iphone or its sales truthfully is apple itself with its strict policies.. again the consumers aren't getting what they want in this department either as they're forced to use a specific carrier rather than any carrier of their choice and the iphone is locked so as to limit user functionality making it jive with apples wishes and policies rather than the actual consumers.

Now imagine if you will an unlocked iphone right out of the box that can play all, do all, use any carrier or any pre-paid phone card if so the consumer chose and imagine an ipod touch with a camera which as its cousin or counterpart is strictly wifi, can take pics and also video recording with a mic so people could use wifi and apps to make it similar (NOTE SIMILAR) in functionality to the iphone even though in reality it isn't an iphone.. imagine if apple products were much more like true government transparency which we've all been pitched )if such a thing were ever to exist) and if apple in a similar vein were less invasive with enforced policies as per how something sold to us should be crippled or cannibalized.. wouldn't that make for an incredible product?

Can you imagine the iphone unlocked and usable with any carrier or phone card straight out of the box and perhaps even embracing homebrew as well as genuine apps and a mixture of a little bit of everything under the sun (perhaps even concepts shared from different companies or from consumer ideas as in the public at large) it would outsell just about any product out there as would the ipod touch by truly leading for a change while giving consumers what they truly want as opposed to the company being solely responsible for having to deciding what everyone else should want.. this in turn would only lead to further innovation rather than stagnation as people and companies can accomplish the seemingly impossible when there is unity and no need for tactic's or gimmicks nor having to cut corners.

The iphone and ipod touch are two different beasts even if they had very similar features such as a camera for photos or video recording, a mic ect now imagine for a second unlocking each model and making them both shine to their full potential? Who can seriously believe one would hurt the other when instead what we would be left with would be akin to a powerhouse iphone 3g do it all and a powerhouse wifi do it all and none restricted so as to outshine another while both as powerful/unrestricted and both being built as genuine do all models in their own category becoming an all time portable entertainment/communications/information device in their own respective way which would excell, outsell rather than undersell.

Look at other companies whom statistically created electronic devices which attempt to cater to divx, xvid and/or games or other popular formats and functions and notice how the more formats/functions such devices play the more units these sell being hailed for their functionality and consumer/user friendliness and this is the very same model or principle in theory that many companies use as a starting template only in turn once they've grown as a company to eventually turn around and start cutting corners because of cost thus crippling an a once considered classic product and their very founding template to inflation which = cutbacks and these cutting corners which = stagnation rather than innovation.

Life imitates art and art is said to imitate life and there is no pulling punches to creativity and it is either you are in it to be innovative and create products that much like art are based on inspiration or you wind up caving in to rising cost and cutting corners in which case by doing so you will force yourself to wind up with a worm ridden apple instead of "THE APPLE A DAY" which keeps the doctor away.

That is what apple somehow needs to re-find... a way back to the pulse of the public which is where their true bread and bacon, or apples money and innovation all meet as the moment you take away one of those key ingredients/features let alone start thinking in a flat monotonic corporate way spending will become more of an issue rather than truly remaining creative/competitive and finding a way such as your company initially once did.

CONSUMERS ONLY KNOW THEY WANT.. NOT WHAT APPLE WANTS US TO WANT.. that in itself makes a "HUGE" difference but only if your company cares enough to listen and in turn be able to make that distinction rather than excuses while having a few company yoyo's whom work from within while dictating or drawing up money saving strategies and schemes as to whats the next best bet in general as far as consumers are concerned and the problem with that is that sometimes companies fail to realize how they have changed let alone realize how their own and employee's ideas or schemes/strategies for cutting corners or saving costs becoming more like some flat corporate quagmire devoid of true life or personality rather than "TRULY LISTENING" or being genuinely open/synched to the consumers needs which is where you'll find genuine vibrancy and the formula for success as the public can be alot more receptive to a companies strategizing and or saving than you might believe if you'd approach them and asked rather than deciding with no real alternative or option what will be best for them as far as potential product which ultimately they/consumers are the ones whom must decide whether or not they will even go for it to begin with.

Apples Ipod Touch and Iphone are similar granted but the fact is although similar and even with similar components such as a photo camera or video recording, mic, fm ect ect will not make or break one another as what will do that is the restriction imposed upon them which is exactly for example why folks are so disappointed with apples 9/9/09 event.

Even with these additions to both each are different beasts entirely as the iphone relies on cellular or 3g and other technologies while the ipod touch relies on wifi yet both are as popular.
The Iphones restrictions on carriers and being locked for example is detrimental to it where if such restrictions were not in place even if an ipod touch had the camera/photos, video recording, mic ect the iphone without such restrictions would be an even greater seller while the ipod touch would also be as popular albeit not as powerful as the iphone so again even with similar features or components neither pose a real threat in the sales of the other as opposed to the restrictions imposed upon each of the systems which limit the over all user friendly experience forcing consumers to wane from each for these very restrictions when this simply limits the amount of units which can be sold in either category.

Try taking a poll or releasing a limited one trial of unrestricted units and watch them fly off the shelves in either model without one or the other being affected. In reality i am sure apple knows this to be true as much as consumers want these restriction lifted everyone know either would sell like hotcakes but limit user friendliness and release stripped down models with only bare enhancements like what happened to the main models on 9/9/09 and suddenly you'll see the big drop despite claims to the contrary or excuses.

Give the people what they want and they in turn will purchase your systems without having to think it over much because people want a user friendly device that caters to them giving them a sense of empowerment by having a quality product which they can relate to and which they will feel comfortable with but give them cut-backs or a product which lacks what they wish for nor is as user friendly catering to their needs, carriers, functionality ect and that there translates into lower sales %
so come on apple.. get it happening.

Hope you guys really give this some thought without the penny pinching factor and you'll see REAL RESULTS in terms of sales... everyone else seems to know this already.. the question is do you?

Pico projectors + photos + videos + mic + FM + more volume and as well as the whole gamut of functions and features + plus REAL user friendliness and we're talking thats a wrap for any and all competitors and just imagine truly unharnessing and um unleashing the iphone from its still restricted confines and again we're talking sales that'll have "Mr Jobs" whistling dixie... Nuff Said.

Sep 12, 2009 4:17 AM in response to Tyraki

Tyraki wrote:
If your looking for and ipod touch with a camera just get the iphone, in my opinion if they add a camera to the ipod touch they might as well just make add text messaging and phone calling to it.

that's all very well, but a lot of people can't afford/or just don't need a contract phone. i use my phone for the occasional phone call and minimal numbers of text messages, there is absolutely no way i can justify the contract costs of an iPhone.

Sep 12, 2009 5:41 AM in response to David.

Yes. Apple has disappointed me for the first time ever when they announced that the +iPod Nano+ got the video camera and the +iPod Touch+ didn't. Apple has made a lot of people angry by doing this. Hopefully the rumors are true about the Touch was having technical issues with the camera. Maybe there is still hope that it will get fixed soon and that it will come out before the end of the year.

What??? No new Touch with a camera??

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