I had noticed a delay in Open and Save on my machine, although not as dramatic as some others have reported. It would take perhaps 2 seconds for them to appear and populate, whereas before Snow Leopard it was always instantaneous. Some things I read seemed to implicate communication between the OS and "foreign" file systems on other devices or over a network, so I've taken to ejecting my Vista partition as soon as I boot up. I have not noticed the slowness since I started doing that.
And FWIW I can't imagine how in the world the presence of Smart Folders, which aren't actually being used, in the Sidebar could have any effect at all. They are just little mini scripts which have to be clicked on to be active and do something. And I had, and still have, five of them present in my Sidebar. It may be that turning them off writes to the sidebar.plist file, changing it in some way that corrects something in the plist that is causing a problem. If so, simply dumping the plist altogether and letting it be recreated would probably accomplish the same thing.
Now whether Spotlight, via the mds process and/or mdimport, could be causing the problem... that is a different matter and is plausible, since those processes do actively look at all media connected to the computer, although why this would cause Open and Save dialogs to slow down, I don't know. But it is possible.