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iPhone firmware update 3.1.2 is out! How's it working for you?

Whew relief at last! but 'your mileage may vary'. I am very curious how well it's working. I really hope 'comatose' is a word we can quickly forget.

I was at 3.1 last night and had hopefully my last coma ever. I put on 3.1.2 and it went very smoothly other than for some reason some of my apps lost their data. (i lost hundreds of entries from my 'Lose-it' weight management program (AWESOME by the way; down almost 20# since July).

Since putting on 3.1.2, however, phone not quite as responsive as yesterday on 3.1 (something i can deal with if it never 'goes coma' again), but once in a while it's a pretty long pause, like a 4 sec. pause in the middle of a tapping a word; again if it's a trade-off to have the phone work 100% of the time i can cope with that.

Anybody that does try the upgrade and has a problem, please go through the normal steps of putting on a clean install before 'going ballistic'. Basically, i would recommend doing a backup, putting the phone into DFU BEFORE the first attempt of 3.1.2 (which i didn't do... could be related to the 'stutters' i'm getting right now).

I recommend this method:

1. backup your phone manually (in case it doesn't ask) -> right-click on phone and pick backup
2. Get your phone into DFU mode (search apple help or google; you-tube is has great guides)
3. restore the phone while in DFU. In my experience, the phone is dark while DFU restore
4. activate the phone and 'play around a bit'; i use m.me so i can have my contacts back w/o sync
5. if things are not going well, i would go back to step 2 and re-install
6. test drive for at least a few hours before doing a 1-hr restore from backup (of your data).
7. come back here and give some feedback if it's working (or not).

So.. for me, the summary is: super-smooth 'restore' to 3.1.2 but like a 'moron' (don't take offense, it's a term of endearment for a smart person that doesn't do something the best way by being hasty).. i did just a direct upgrade from iTunes w/o heeding my own advice and DFU the phone first.

So.. i have had a couple instances of 'non response' to things like hitting the home button, the sleep button, but i've had that since 3.0; it was why i upgraded to 3.1 in the first place. I'm very curious about why my 'accidental' install of 3.1 was so darn fast, and i want it back, so over the weekend i'll do a DFU re-install of 3.1.2 if it doesn't clear up with a restart.

No coma yet, but too soon to know if 3.1.2 is the reason. If you have a perfectly working phone at 3.0 or 3.01, i wouldn't bother upgrading, the only 'super cool' thing you'll be missing is the ability to sort your home pages icons in iTunes (super amazing; best part of 3.1 OS for sure). Just wait a week or three to see what others say first!

Oh.. if you really want a clean install.. use a fresh 'user' on your computer to do the update, then just don't bother syncing, and switch back to 'you' before doing 'restore from backup'.

Ok, wish you guys all luck, hope that everybody has a fully operational phone/ipod after this.


iPhone 3.1.2! woo hoo., Mac OS X (10.5)

Posted on Oct 9, 2009 3:20 PM

193 replies

Oct 11, 2009 9:56 PM in response to andrewwynn

Hi There,
I hope someone is able to help me! I am a vodafone prepay customer and have the iPhone 3G, bought in July, it is a factory unlocked phone, not a jailbroken one!
I have downloaded the latest apple update for the iPhone and unfortunately it won't let me access the internet since! Everything else working fine! The settings I've been

The cellular data settings I have input are:

APN: isp.vodafone.ie
username: vodafone
password: vodafone

I have never been able to send or recieve mms messages which if this is possible to rectify it would be much appreciated!!

Oct 12, 2009 12:06 AM in response to druryam

Didn't have any coma mode failures with 3.1.1 although I did lose connection to the network once in a while, once while using a gps app which really ****** me off. Now with this new update I keep losing 3G service here at my home, used to get full bars pretty consistently now, not so much. It just seems that Apple doesn't do much testing with these releases, it's gotten ridiculous.

Oct 12, 2009 1:43 AM in response to andrewwynn

3.1.2 definitely seems to run a bit smoother for basic OS tasks. Although since my carrier settings were updated the 3G network service has been working very sporadically. Incoming calls go straight to voicemail 90% of the time. Many of the outbound calls placed fail to connect. All I'm able to hear is clicking in the speaker as opposed to actual ring tones. After switching my network to 2G everything seems to work alright. Which is all fine and dandy, except this is an iPhone 3G we're talking about... not a 2G.

Has anyone else been experiencing this?

Oct 12, 2009 4:05 AM in response to Alan Musgrave

Alan Musgrave wrote:
My experience with both 3.1 and 3.1.2 was that both updates could not be installed from either of my 2 Windows PCs running XP Home. Had no problems with 3.0, but with 3.1 and 3.1.2 the update would attempt to install then the phone would not be recognized to complete the install. I tried DFU, disabling virus and firewall and reinstalling Itunes all with the same result. The only way I could get the update to install was using a Macbook. There the install went in cleanly and I was able to restore on my PC using backup. There seems to be a problem with some PCs that once the install commences it stall and the phone isn't recognized. From the number of people posting with this problem, I wonder why Apple Support hasn't investigated and come up with a solution. I won't be upgrading again until there's a solution posted.

Yep most recent update failed just like that for me using XP.
Fortunately update via a macbook worked for me, but if I didn't have one available I would of been left hanging without a usable phone. Not good.

Oct 12, 2009 9:06 AM in response to andrewwynn

Because of the lack of scathing reviews (like with firmware 3.1), I took a chance yesterday I updated my 3GS-32Gb from firmware 3.0.1 to 3.1.2 and applied the carrier update. I had about 8Gb free and didn't uninstall anything (to free up more space), but did reboot the phone the night before (to clean up memory).

The update took about 2 hours to download, and 20 minutes to install. Everything came up normally. All icons I tried (both Apple and 3rd party) worked fine. Music/videos also fine. The added ability of re-arranging icons in iTunes is a nice benefit. (Also, I was finally able to install "RedLaser" which requires a minimum of 3.1 to load.) Installing new apps can now drop into the first Springboard page if there's spot open (I always thought that this was a bug in 3.0 and 3.0.1).

I checked my battery before leaving home this morning. It was 99%. After getting to work and checking an hour later, it was still 99% (and yes...I do have WiFi, Bluetooth, and Exchange notifications all turned on). I feel that the phone feels faster/snappier although I can't say for any certainty of measurement that it is. Running apps does seem to drain the battery a little faster (a possible artifact for the speed increase -- which is something I can live with).

Overall, a very successful update for me.

- Charlie -

Oct 12, 2009 9:16 AM in response to andrewwynn


It works perfectly for us, we have a 3G and a 3Gs, of course we weren't having any trouble before either.

I don't know what the 3.1.2 update really did, but I noticed no change, either way, and it is still working perfectly, as always. No drops, battery life is right on, no mysterious shut downs or startups, WiFi has always worked correctly, or any other of the weird stuff that seems to be happening to some folks.


Oct 12, 2009 10:43 AM in response to Viridium

Viridium wrote:
Alan - exact same for me. Anything beyond OS 3.0 on my iPhone 3GS won't update on a Windows based PC. It craps out and I have to downgrade. I've borked both 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 so I'm not touching this crap again until Apple fixes it.

This is my first experience with Apple hardware, and I must say that so far, nothing "has just worked".

It's not a "windows" issue. I've been using mac since '88 and have been a consultant since shortly after.

I have been very disappointed in the flawed mechaism of install/upgrade. Right from the first install of my first iPhone it has been trouble.

I have administered about a dozen iPhones and not ONE of them has been error free in the update department. I'll re-phrase that to say that 100% of the iPhones (over a dozen) have had at least one major hang up doing a firmware upgrade requiring some secondary install solution. To me that is unacceptable.

I really hope apple will go back to a stand alone installer like iPod used to have.


Oct 12, 2009 12:11 PM in response to ARichLife

here 'goes nothing'.

attempting to re-create my super-success with my accidental 3.1 install (but with 3.1.2).

step one was to start a NORMAL 'restore' that is; to just plug in iphone, open iTunes and hit the 'restore' button and let it start.

step two: force-quit iTunes while it says 'preparing iPHone for install'

step three: plug phone back in (it will be in RECOVERY not in DFU mode)..

step four: enter DFU mode: while iPhone is connected and iTunes 'sees' it in recovery mode; hold home and sleep for 10 seconds, releasing sleep but continuing to hold home continuously until iTunes gives the alert that an iPhone/pod has been detected in (erroneously) 'recovery' mode (it should say DFU mode. (confirmation of DFU: iPhone/pod screen will be black).

step five: hit restore once again; at the end the phone should restart and re-connect to iTunes

step six: update the carries settings

step seven: manual re-start of iPhone (not reset) just hold sleep for four seconds and slide off.. then press 'wake' (same as sleep) for 2 seconds to turn back on.

that should do it.. if it's still flaky like shown in This Movie, i will re-do the steps but 'interrupt' step five during the restore and re-do it.

The ONLY thing different in the ONE time of 3.1x install on my phone that worked properly was that the install was interrupted (iTunes or iPhone crashed; iPhone was stuck on the apple with the progress bar not moving). my theory is that re-creating this incident may result in a positive outcome. i'll keep you posted.

First indications were very good. Interesting to note: apparently haven't been getting voicemail indications since 3.1.2 installed (just like 3.1 bug)... but.. when i crash-installed 3.1.2 just now.. the first thing i noticed was that it instantaneously responded to home button presses (vs an up to 4 second delay), then i noticed voicemail was not 'visual' (i.e. press on vm icon and it 'calls' voicemail; i called, put in my ph #, i hit '*' then put in my pin and there were 3 messages! which by the way; do NOT show up in 'deleted messages' later in visual voicemail even when that starts working!

about 1-2 minutes later and not sure how coincidentally; i get an alert that my voicemail pin is incorrect, i put it in and then v.voicemail started working..

a few minutes later all my contacts disappeared.. it took a bit of poking in and out of various contact apps, but this has happened before.. eventually it figures out to re-download from m.me and it's all golden.

the only real bite in the a#%$ is that the two hours i spent re-ordering all my application icons apparently was yet another 'wasted in the 3.1 coma bug' timesheet; (about 40-45 hours now).. probably even more.

if you are here because YOU had to 'deal with' issues related to iPhone 3.1 firmware upgrade, please visit This Page and fill out the checklist of issues you personally had (good or bad.. i don't want only problems i want to see the good results also).

I did notice also that safaris is MUCH MUCH more responsive; it was nearly impossible to browse THIS SITE for example on the iPhone this morning, i wasn't having a problem with 3.1 but with 3.1.2 the problem CAME BACK that i had with my FIRST install of 3.1 (and 2nd through 12th).

wait 'til i can get all my applications back on and use this 'hack install' for a day or two, before copying me (unless your phone is just dead anyhow and nothing to lose), but if you go look at the you-tube video of my 3.1 phone; my 3.1.2 phone was just as bad or worse; typing an SMS took over a minute because every 5th letter i would get a 5-10 second pause! So far so good; haven't had a single hiccup (i want to come up with a more clever name than iRetarded but that's the closest to describe the MORE SIGNIFICANT problem than the iComa problem related to the 3.1 update.

So... anybody who has put in 3.1.2 and it just acts (literally) iRetarded... there may be hope; it would be awesome if this hack can be universally applied.. so far so good for me.. i accidentally did it with 3.1 and it cured the iRetarded problem but not the coma..when i did a NORMAL install of 3.1.2, the coma was cured but brought back the iRetarded problem.. well it's looking very very promising from the first 10-20 minutes of testing (since in the past i usually experience hang-ups within a minute!).

So.. if your phone act like shown In This Movie
There may be hope, go fill in your details On This Form and check-back, i will be keeping people up-to-date on the status of my particular phone. (since it obviously has whatever pre-conditions are needed that caused the coma bug, but I have cured it once before by accident, and quite possibly 10 minutes ago on-purpose!).


Oct 12, 2009 2:15 PM in response to Mariposa1024

Mariposa1024 wrote:
How can I downgrade my phone from 3.1.2? Is my only option to do a restore? If yes, will all of my contacts be wiped out? Any advice is appreciated. Since the download my phone is basically a heavy paperweight.

there may be another option. when my phone turned into an iPaperWeight with firmware 3.1, I retrograded to 3.01 but then accidentally re-installed 3.1. During that re-install, the iPhone itself crashed, so it took a second attempt. On the second attempt, it installed flawlessly and very fast. After the 2nd install, my phone worked better than it had ever worked since OS 1.0 (or maybe already had 2.0; it's a 3G i forgot if they released at the same time; may have come with 2.0).

Anyhow... while i had that install of 3.1 going, i did not have ONE instance of a flaky operation like what is shown in the Movie HERE (now with annotations). When i used a simple 'upgrade' from 3.1 (speedy but with comas) to 3.1.2 i lost the coma but also lost the SPPEEED! went back to acting like the video.

So far SO GOOD with the 'crashinstall'. I would wait to hear back tomorrow to see if all goes well with putting on all the applications but so far it's doing exactly what i experienced with the crash-install of 3.1 (where performance went from useless to better than ever!).


Oct 12, 2009 2:18 PM in response to DAtherton

DAtherton wrote:
Andrew: Thanks for all this detailed info. I'll try it. Are you restoring a G or GS?

I have a 3G from 'day one' of release; i have wondered if there was an 'early batch' that is more susceptible to 'the bug' but it doesn't seem so. It seems to be more of a problem with delivery (installation), which if my phone keeps working as it is now, may be proven correct.


iPhone firmware update 3.1.2 is out! How's it working for you?

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