The smudges are heat related but that being said not exactly heat related.
The fans blow air through the motherboard and hard drives and power supply etc.
The Screen is sealed (mostly) There is no direct airflow or currents though the screen it's self. This screen is the same as any other screen basically. The way that the smoke particles/ultra fine dust particles get inside the screen is due to the air flow caused by heating and cooling.
When the screen heats up the air pressure blows air out of the sealed screen. It's not 100% sealed it's just taped along the edges. When the screen cools off again the air contracts and is sucked back inside the screen. When it is sucked back inside it flows in all the little cracks and the staticly charged dust particles/smoke haze is sucked in with it. But since the screen is Mostly sealed the inflow is only in small certain areas rather than all around the screen. This concentrates the smoke/dust particulate matter in small areas causing noticable smudges. I have found that if you take the screen out of the iMac and take the tape off the smudges are not noticable because the air is sucked in every where rather than concentrated in a few small areas.
If you've ever taken apart any normal flat screen or for that matter any monitor you know that this dark static particulate matter is all over the inside of the case that contains the screen but does not actually get sucked into the screen. It seems to get caught inside the enclosure before becoming sucked into the screen it's self.
With an iMac, becuase the mother board etc is inside the screen enclousure and the fans are in there as well the heating and cooling of the screen seems to suck the dust inside the second layer as well. Is it a design flaw? yes. The screen NEEDS to be seperate from the rest of the components. There needs to be a divider between the display and the rest of the machine.
Apple would have been fine if they had taped a laptop to the back of a 27 inch monitor and then wrapped the entire assembly in a pretty skin. But no... they had to put it all in the same area.... mistake.
Could be easily fixed but that would require admitting a problem.
It's too bad that Jobs is gone... I'm sure if he had been more intune in the final years of his life this would never have been allowed... But the liability suits and lawyers have gotten involved and Apple will never be the same again. It will go the way of other cool manufacturers like Micron....and be no more...
I'm going back to my home built PC making it a hackintosh.... Even a home hack can do better now...