Hi to all who have problems with freezing macbook pro's
its been a while since i posted but i think i have finally found the solution to my problem at least.
just to start the reason it took me soooooo long to solve my issue, is that i could not use my original osx installation disk to reset the macbook pro to factory settings.
i have since bought a lovely shiny imac, and i was able to create a disk image of my original 10.5.6 install dvd (which i might add worked ok in the imac and i will assume that after already replacing the optical drive in my macbook, it may well need replacing again. no wonder apple are bailing on them!)
if your dvd or drive are having hissy fits, you will need to create a disk image of your dvd on a suitably sized flash drive. i used an 8gb usb thumb drive and disk utillity to restore my os x dvd to the usb drive on a different mac of course.
Any how, thats what this is all about, if you are experincing problems with your mac try this procedure.
BACKUP YOUR IMPORTANT FILES to a time machine or other external drive
use your original install dvd to re-install your particular version of OS X
now here was the important part for my machine, DO NOT install any updates for OS X or Airport client.
update your files from backup drive.
thats it!
i must point out that after a day of this fix my dear old late 2008 macbook pro has worked perfectly without freezing and im fairly confident of a freeze free future of internet use 😀