itunes account hacked
Windows XP
Windows XP
I asked for the ip address of the transaction and was basically told that would require a court order.... hmmmm... interesting.
Not interesting at all. In fact, I'm glad they would require a court order to hand out private/personal info.
So, the last time I purchased a Crapple product that needed itunes access, I went the gift card route.
Apple product do not require iTunes accounts.
and why would you purchase something you do not, want and think it is crap?
Folks, not even Apple will remove your credit card from their systems and there is no way for you to do it yourself.
I've easily removed mine every time I have used it.
You do not like and are not happy with Apple or their products yet you continue to purchase, register and use them and put your CC and gift cards into their system then complain.
"Mr Dumas? Paging Mr. Dumas to the white house phone."
Wow, Chris CA! That's a fairly harsh response. Does your mom actually let you out of the basement after she finishes picking out your clothes and dressing you?
Harsh? Not at all.
Simply responding to your somewhat crudely written tin foil hat comments.
My account was hacked into on 9-2-11 and my gift card credit wiped out. while that has been refunded what is so frustrating is that now, whoever hacked into my account, is now hacking into other accounts, making the same purchases and then changing that person's personal information to read mine. So now I am recieving angry phone calls being accused of hacking into their account and stealing their money. I contacted i-tunes and they of course blame it on several issues that would be my fault. then I contacted Apple who at first swept it under the rug until I contacted my local news station. The it went to the executive level of Apple and they were supposed to "fix" it, but I just got another call tonight. I have had calls from 6 different states thus far. I guess my only thing now is to contact an attorney to at the very least protect myself legally.
I know this is an older thread.
Yesterday I received an email.
Your Apple ID was just used to make a purchase in 777 Poker from the App Store on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that Apple ID.
If you made this purchase, you can disregard this email. It was only sent to alert you in case you did not make the purchase yourself.
If you did not make this purchase, we recommend that you go to iforgot [dot]apple[dot]com to change your password, then see Applie ID: Tips for protecting the security of your account for further assistance.
I changed my password to both Paypal and iTunes. I haven't used the account in a few years, so I figure I would just cancel my account. I can't find any instructions online as to how this can be done. My Apple ID has an expired credit card on it that I can't delete. I've tried editing it and deleting the number, but it says it is required. Some instructions say to click "None", but I don't see that button anywhere. I've disputed the balance with Paypal and with my credit card. But Apple should be doing more. I never click on links in the emails, I always go directly to the source. This is not my fault. It is 100% Apples. There is a flaw in their system.
I tried contacting customer support and an annoying robo voice instructed me that Customer Service is closed, but maybe he could help. Then he said to call back when Customer Service is open, but didn't provide their hours of operation. It should be easy for me to remove unauthorized users from my account.
I received a similar message today that my credit card number had been changed. Someone changed my home address and changed my credit card on file to a Discover card that I had never seen before. Then, shortly afterward, I received a message that my account was just used to purchase Feeddler RSS Reader Pro from the App Store on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that Apple ID.
I immediately changed my password and checked my credit reports. There does not appear to be any evidence of a Discover card. In the US, you can order one report per year free from each of the three major credit reporting agencies through,
The key for Apple to resolve this is to enforce the association of accounts and authorized machines/devices or come up with a method for verifying identity when the user logs in on non-authorized devices.
Well, in the UK, I have had my I-Tune hacked into,
£53 credit(from my late grandfather) taken, left with a 62p credit.
However, I was on the phone to apple, asking them to deactivate my account for now, as whilst i was the on the phone they were spending the money on apps, i would never use, as I only download music.
Any advice/guidance, on how to get this back and protect myself.
It has upset me, as that credit was given to me days before my grandad died.
I do hope apple take some action, as the woman on the phone said she couldnt deactivate my account, till the following day. doesnt fill me with much confidence.
Just had this same thing happen to me. It's 11:30 at night on a Saturday and no one is available at Apple support. I sent an email to so hopefully it will get resolved.
Same company: Gameislive and Lakoo
Amount: They got me for $32.xx worth of itunes credit
I'm pretty sure I either had it linked to my Checking account or Paypal, but now it shows nothing in my account settings (doesn't look like they were able to access any accounts outside my itunes).
They also made a change to my address but only the ZIP.
Lastly, I tried to de-authorize ALL Pc's related to my account but I did this last November and you can only do it once a year.
Anyway, it AMAZES me that a company as HUGE as Apple has these problems after YEARS of the same Chinese company doing this.
that's happened to me. With me were two Chinese play bought. For every 79 €.
I have blocked my account with ClickandBuy, although the money is still deductedfrom my bank account. APPLE I have written already. Let's see when the report itself.
Iam from Germany
It is disapointing that apple have allowed this to happen time after time after time. When they want to be highly regarded over its other competitors. However, after reading numerous articles and stories about peoples accounts etc, it appears to oringinate from China. After looking at my so called receipts of my purchases.....which I would never dream of ordering, as I many download music.
They appeared to be chineese related.
I have emailed apple three times now, and no repsonse.....oh yes I forgot its a weekend, and no one has problems with they apple software/products on a weekend.
They need to start making examples of these individuals who hack into innocent peoples account.
Luckly, my money spent was apple credit, but it still not the point, it was a gift, and now I can not use my account in fear of it being hacked again.
Hope everyone gets there sorted soon, keep us all updated
my account was just hacked yesterday evening. Shows over $150 worth of iTunes purchases from LUXEMBOURG. Good thing my bank caught the suspicious activity and shut down my account. Bad things I will be without a debit card for about 7-10 days. Good thing is that I will be refunded all of that money.
I posted this in another thread but am reposting here so it gets seen:
This justhappened to me while attempting to update a couple of Apps on my iPhone using my university's secure WiFi. After Iclicked 'Update All', I got the message saying "Your Apple ID has been disabled". I'm not at home so I can't check iTunes there, but I checked recent purchases on the phone and there's nothing there. No abnormal recent iTunes purchase receipts lately either. I reset my password and tried to update the Apps luck. So I filled out an iTunes Express Support request and I'll see what happens. There are a couple of weird things that havehappened lately though and I don't know if they are related. In September, I got a new CC and I changed my billing info in iTunes to reflect that correctly. With that new billing info, I successfullymade several purchases over the next few weeks. Some time after that, I updated to the latest iTunes (10.5 I think) and tried to make some more purchases, but got some message about my billing info being incorrect. I checked and for some reason someone else's billing info from the state of Georgia had been entered there. My name was correct but the CC #,exp date, city, state, and ZIP were all wrong. Thinking this was some weird iTunes error with the new version, I changed all the info to mine. In thelast few weeks, I've made several purchases without any trouble. I don't usually purchase things from myiPhone but I often will update Apps and have never had any trouble doing that.
Like Isaid, I don't know if the error and the old billing issue are related or notbut it's hard not to wonder.
Same with me today...
Your Apple ID, was just used to download Global War from the App Store on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that Apple ID.
If you initiated this download, you can disregard this email. It was only sent to alert you in case you did not initiate the download yourself.
If you did not initiate this download, we recommend that you go to change your password, then see Apple ID: Tips for protecting the security of your account for further assistance.
That app was download for free however someone used all my 25usd redeemed from a gift card to buy something for that game. Just got in touch with apple through App Store Support and waiting for their response to get my money back. I thought this was something unusual but apparently it happens all the time around the world. What a shame...
Same here.
Two transactions on at 10-27-11, blocked my clickandbuy account and wrote two emails to apple support. No answer at all! Makes my freaking sick to be honest. Money is already deducted.
I just had this happen today. I had some money from iPhone apps in my app store account. They got 1 app. Thankfully I'm anal retentive about my cash. Set your notifications to ping your iPad/etc when you download something. I noticed a purchase when I was using my pad. (kinda hard to miss really.) wasn't shighao Bo or whatever but some Chinese app for 10 bucks. And a computer that I hadn't authorized on my account. And no cc info. Great. I'm a developer, I paid my 99 bucks for that, and that is part of this account. If this is a security hole in the system, they could exploit my new business' ability to develop applications in that platform. That is unacceptable.
itunes account hacked