itunes account hacked
Windows XP
Windows XP
Well now I'm joining this big club too. As of yesterday.
Apple really does make it a bit difficult to get in touch & discuss having unauthorized purchases. Like most of these large corporations, a buck is a buck, don't matter where it came from or how they got it, but it is theirs- not yours anymore... & it's your problem.
Granted, it really seems that paypal is the company getting hacked a lot. It seems that is what happened to me- first thing they did was purchase what appears to me to be some kind of apps or games, dunno, but they cost $50 a pop. Luckily Apple did send me an email telling me that I paid for a purchase from a pc that was not identified with my Apple ID, but they took the payment anyway & just sent that email after.
Seems their answer is- "learn how to recognize phishing sites."
Well, at least it seems that paypal is pretty good about these things.
Joining this big but bad club also: I was hacked yesterday - three different purchases werde done by somebody else but not me for about 80 USD.... have now contacted apple support and hope they can help me getting the money back.
The causing of this probably in-apps this are when you subcribe or puchase an app. You can go and turn off your in-apps on your iOS device.
settings>general>restrictions>in-app purchases off.
then write to iTunes for accidental purchase to refund the in-apps as a one time exception
unauthorized charges to disable your account and banned your credit card
@angelfromstockton: nope, I didn't even load the app myself, even the load of the app was performed by somebody else using the hacked account... including the in-app purchases as they show up on my invoices that I received.. 😟
I have had my account hacked this morning. $38 worth of products have been bought through my account. I am now being asked to pay for them. I've emailed Apple to see what there reposnse is but I have no intention of paying for these products. This is not a credit card theft as the detail of the card appears to have changed so the transaction could not be completed. This is an iTunes account issue.
I haven't been able to read the pages of posts but I agree with the fact that this issue should be in the broader public domain so that people can protect themselves.
Has anyone had success in gettig Apple to remove the fraudulent items from their account?
I guess I can be added to this thread now too. I had about $30 on gift cards on my account, I get an email from apple saying that my address had been updated (to an address in California,.....I live no where near California) and then a purchase for a game called Kingdom Conquest was made using my gift cards.. I changed my account info, removed my credit card, etc. I went to the app location and reported a problem that someone hacked my system and make a fradulent purchase.
Where can I actually send apple an email to actaully report a problem. I feel this system keeps me rolling in a loop and never actually getting to someone to help solve my issue. Has anyone received a solution from Apple or a developer for a situation like this?
I appreciate any assistance
Add me to the ongoing list. I found out about mine when I was not near my computer to rectify it, tho' I think it would have been a moot point. I get the emails about it being changed, but when I went to ck it out I couldn't log in. my info had been changed and I spent the entire rest of the day just trying to find out how to contact some LIVE body instead of getting a run around thru the website. geez, so that was yesterday and then this morning I saw where I got new email about the 2-gift cards "I" had gifted using a cr card I don't own...(the last 4 digits don't match anything of mine) and my street address was partially correct, they changed the city, state & zipcode to somewhere up in CT...I knew someone tried to use my paypal acct, but they shut it down before anything could be compromised. ***** big time. i finally opened a new itunes acct and sent an email to apple asking them to contact me regarding the hijacked ID.
anyone else out there have ANY success dealing with this ID Theft!???
Well I have the same issue as yourself! Today i get an email to say my card details have been changed and that i have purchased Kingdom Conquest using the credit in my account from my gift cards.
I have gone into the recent purchase section in itunes for my account to report a problem but when i click on the report a problem option on the right hand side to give a reason it takes me to this site: so all i can do is click on Done in iTunes.
What can i do? What are my options as in true apple style nothing is easy when it comes to having issues!
well, here's an update now that I have had success reinstating my old account. what I had to do to even get anywhere since I couldn't get INTO my original ID. I had to make a new one. then I was able to EMAIL my problem, including my hacked ID name, briefly describing what had happened and how far it had gone. I pity whoever's credit card got charged for the music/game cards. I just know it wasn't mine. Paypal shut them down before they could even try using mine. This morning I received an email from an Apple tech/customer service rep that had personally ck'd my old account (& the new one too) and 'fixed' everything or deauthorized all of the computers within my old acct so I can reauthorize the one's I want to. she also gave me steps on how to change everything I would need to. She was easy to understand, even if it was a reading instruction and not a verbal instruction.
so if you can't access your account, then I would suggest create a new ID, and under the support find where you can email someone. bc you can't get that without have logged in under an account.
good luck.
oh yeah, the new name I have for here is LESSmadMommaDee...bc I am that, and I logged in under my OLD account ID!! yippee! (I did suggest they made it a bit easier to email them instead of chasing your tail trying to find a way to contact them! oh well, that was my biggest pet peeve)
I had this happen to me too!!! When I went to change my password, my address was changed and my name spelled incorrectly. Is apple doing anything to protect against this? Is there anything I need to install on my ipad (like antivirus or something) to protect me from this happening again. I haven't checked my debit account yet, but doing so now. What can we do, I didn't install anything, so what caused this?
frustrated, but on the brightside I have apparently moved to Palmdale, CA.
That is exactly what happened to me! My account was hacked, email, password and address changed. And 2 gift cards were purchased w somebody else's credit card! (not mine!) BUT, they have my name on them! That is what scares me! 1 of the gift certificates is in my account, and I am able to print it out. Perhaps I was able to get back on my account before they claimed the 2nd gift card?? BUT, now I want to know what steps to take so that if someone disputes these charges to their credit card.... when the unauthorized purchases have MY name on them? Madmomma, did they give you any insight on that? I sent several emails yesterday with all of the different problems I was having, but they just kept telling me to contact my credit card and dispute any charges.
Any suggestions on how to handle this new hacking problem??
Yes, my name and PARIALLY correct address (on the cc address) is on the gift cards, but iTunes/Apple was able to credit the gift cards out of my iTunes account. I don't know who's credit card it was, bc only the last 4 digits are displayed. I have NO idea if they were able to credit that person's credit card or not, I did not ask and they did not say. Only that my acct settings were restored and that I would have to log in to update everything. which I did. changed passwords and security questions. I can tell you that since then i have bought more music on the original account (and not the new one I had to create in order to even get Apple to look at my dilemma) and have not had any more problems. If my credit cards were used, I would have contacted my lenders regarding this. I did sign up for the identity theft (lifelock)since it was about time I did that, as well as keep an eye on my children's SS#'s. Good luck. be sure you keep handy the emails from Apple if there's ever a problem with someone else's cc and your good name. always, "document, document, document"!
This happened to me as well. Got an email at midnight last night saying my location and CC info were changed. I changed my password, clicked on "Report a Problem" for the $40 worth of Chinese games that were purchased on a gift card, and changed my address from China back to my address. The problem is that I can't seem to remove my cc info. It had been changed to a CC number that is not mine. When I click on "None" for payment information it won't let me go any further because I can't select anything other than a Chinese province for a location and a 6 digit zip.
I also can't find how to contact iTunes other than the "Report a Problem" button. Anyone have any idea how to do that?
I've just had this happen a SECOND TIME in the past year or so. Completely different device, unrelated email account, different computer, etc... The first time I had a credit card associated with the iTunes account and like many of you, found Apple unwilling to indicate or even seemingly research how this happened. I asked for the ip address of the transaction and was basically told that would require a court order.... hmmmm... interesting.
So, the last time I purchased a Crapple product that needed itunes access, I went the gift card route. My reasoning... if the vendor is so entirely incompetent that they allow airplane sized security holes in their online apps, my only hope while using their, ahem... "service" is to mitigate the size of the loss. $25 at a time.
Folks, not even Apple will remove your credit card from their systems and there is no way for you to do it yourself. Don't get duped by these a$$clowns. Do NOT give your credit card number to Apple in any way, shape or form. You will regret it like no other fraudulent charges you've ever experienced. While some in this forum try to assert the "proper" way for Apple to handle these breaches is exactly the way they're doing it, that doesn't help you, dear customer, in any way at all. You will be screwed. For a humorous take on the shenanigans of Apple, please google the term... humancentipad. Hi-larious but so telling at the same time. By just looking at an Apple product, you've seemingly agreed to some ridiculous contract that is so obfuscated and convoluted, there's no escape. We all thought MSFT was evil but they don't even come close to the crap Apple has been up to since releasing the original iPods.
Buyer beware.
itunes account hacked