itunes account hacked
Windows XP
Windows XP
Man... I just found out I got hacked and as I am very paranoid, I went searching to see if others did too. Surprised that alot of people have the same problem. Luckily I also used gift card to purchase things from iTunes. I was looking forward to some new album releases but can't now since whoever hacked me spent $23 on fricken poker chips.
I'd just like to say that Apple should really check their security.
I've still waiting to hear back from iTunes about the money that was stolen from my account.
This is another archived thread on the topic from 2008:
They've clearly been putting a lot of work into stopping this problem which has been going on unabated since 2007, has completely screwed up peoples' credit and emptied their bank accounts. I feel so much safer knowing there's a 24/7 hotline for iTunes Fraud issues so I can take care of this in a timely fashion. The Better Business Bureau must love these guys.
My girlfriends account got hacked about a weekago, they said they would refund the mony one time only, even though she has an ipod classic and the hacker bought ipod touch games. Also right after it happened her ipod went crazy and doesn't sink, we kept asking support what to do and they just ignored us, I found some trouble shooting tips that didnt work so now she has to buy a new one, because support doesn't care if your account gets hacked.
This happened to me today. I woke up to several emails telling me about payments from my PayPal account. Upon investigation, I found that a free app called Kingdom Conquest had been "purchased" (quotes because it was a free app) and subsequently several purchases of credits/coins/whatever were made through my iTunes account. They dinged me for about $100 from PayPal and wiped out my iTunes balance as well.
I have filed disputes with PayPal and reported this to Apple. I heard back within an hour from Apple, and they refunded my credit balance. Kudos to them for doing that. I have changed my iTunes password and username. Bizarrely, the hacker (if that's what it was) didn't attempt to lock me out of my account. Thank goodness for that. Be aware, however, that this is ongoing. I was not phished. I have a long, complicated (but not random) password. Still, they got access to my account.
Best advice I have outside of disabling your iTunes account is to completely remove any attached credit cards or bank accounts.
I was just hacked as well, by some sega kingdom conquest, i had $13..
so uh give me my money please?
Just read a news article about the latest iTunes hack going on. I remembered I posted here about the hacking back in August of last year. Sure enough here is the community board and the hacking is still going on. Now it looks like there are even more Hacked message strings in this forum. And it looks like Apple is still not really doing anything about it.
In my opinion you have two options. I took my first option and I pulled the plug on Apple. I can't trust their security system or their mode of handling the hacking issues - no more iTunes and App store for me. My Android smartphone has been working awesomely for everything including apps and music since September of last year.
Now the second option; if you still love Apple and really like the control they have over you, you gotta remove your credit card from your iTunes/Appstore account and just load like $20.00 at a time (or whatever you are willing to risk losing) from those pre-paid iTunes cards sold in all the grocery stores of the world. Also change your iTunes/Appstore password every 30 or 60 days diligently. And don't use dumb passwords either like "spring2011" or "GoCowboys", the criminals out there are 100x smarter than you when it comes to that. Make passwords hard like this, but better and not so obvious of course: B34UT1FuL or g04Br0K3. get my drift.
Cheers and Good Luck!
I've just been hacked too, £10.98 worth of points taken for 'SEGA Kingdom Quest', certainly not an app I have purchased. Luckily, that was all the balance left on my account but is still ****** annoying.
I've e-mailed support for them to credit my account but no reply yet. Seems to be happening to alot of people now though, many reviews on that app's page complaining they have been hacked and don't even own that app.
WTH is happening with Apple's security.
I only EVER use that password for itunes , and am pretty sure I haven't been phished. I regularly run spyware, virus scans too.
Same thing has happened to me apparently kingdom quest took out the remaining balance out of my account $12 and has left me with $.19.. i just emailed itunes and hope to get my money back. The purchase was made on june 4 and was charged on june 6. i can check on my ipad that it was made through an iphone but it is not my iphone so who's is it? is there anyways to find out more? and how do i remove my credit card?
itunes account hacked