I keep getting random crashes that go to a blue screen. The only way out is to hard restart (press shutdown and home button down for at least 10 seconds).
I've tried update and restore but the problem persists. Any ideas?
I also had the same problem last night. The ipad screen turned blue totaly and gone dead. I tried to reboot by pressing Home + On buttons for 10 secs but didnt wakeup the ipad. Any idea on how u resolve your problem?
nope, restoring as new didn't cure it. Still bsods after around 15 minutes of continuous use. I thought it was iPod apps, but I got a couple with HD apps too.
any updates on the blue screen problem? my wifes Ipad is now doing exactly as you described. i was wondering if it has to do with exessive charging???? either way this needs a solution... please help if you can..
bsod on Omium, Zombie Farm (iPod game), Peggle (iPod) drawingpad (brilliant iPad sketcher btw) Sketchbook Pro (HD) and numerous others. Haven't had it with a first party app yet other than youTube
I thought apps crashing were supposed to do it gracefully? I.e. quit to home screen. No, bsod everytime
took it to the genius bar, and they hadn't seen the problem before, however it bsod'ed when I showed the guy Smule, so the evidence was there to see. The diagnostics said nothing of note, and there wasn't an option to mark BSOD, so it looked like it was a really rare problem.
They replaced it immediately. So if you're getting a bsod, you're rare and take it to the genius bar.
Well done Apple for sorting this out so quickly, if with a sledgehammer.
BTW, the guy in Bristol (UK) Apple Store was excellent and very helpful altogether.
my ipad bsod struck again. Same scenario during charging my ipad using my iphone cable and using my ipad while charging. Also noted that if i charge my ipad using my iphone cable, the msg of Not Charging appeared, then later came bsod. now waiting my ipad to wakeup....
My 64GB Wifi launch iPad just died on me tonight. Was playing Osmos, exited to the Home screen with about 90% battery left, and then wham - blue screen and then the unit died. Won't power on, won't go into restore mode. Nothing. It's like someone pulled the battery out. 😟
My brand new iPad did it to me this morning. Got it last night, used restore from my iPhone to set it up--took forever, lots of photos--finally got to play with it, loved it. This AM I turn it on, touch the App store icon, and YIKES-BSOD! Nothing worked, not even hooking it up to itunes again. Thanks to this thread, I was able to get it going pushing home & wake buttons. I guess I'll wait and see if it keeps happening, then take it back if necessary. Bummer. I guess nothing's perfect.
dang! my hubby gets the same bsod issue for days now..he can't sleep knowing he has the crashing iPad which he has for only less than a month!
we need all the luck we can get on this one..we tried everything but to no avail..
any news or help from my fellow bsod iPad fellows?? Help 😟
I have the BSOD and sometimes my iPad is restarted itself.
Usually, it happens when playing games (HD), Paper Toss, Cut the Rope.
I tried to restore but it couldn't help (I have tried many times)