Preview: Can't copy text if it is highlighted.
Continuation of this thread:
"I'm trying to copy some highlighted text from a PDF but Preview does not let me to do so. However, I am able to copy it if I remove the highlight beforehand. Is anyone experiencing the same problem? Is there a way to fix it?"
I am experiencing that exact problem, and I am here to ask why it hasn't been addressed a year after it's been first mentioned. To specify the issue, by highlighted text we mean text that was highlighted using the marker pen tool, putting a permanent colored box behind the text.
Not allowing highlighted text to be copied does not have any advantages to the user. It will also overwrite the previous clipboard item with an empty string, which seems rather useless. And if I recall correctly, the copy function worked rather flawlessly in older versions of Preview, regardless of whether text was highlighted or not.
Apple: Just because nobody replied to the thread in a while doesn't mean the issue was miraculously fixed. I suggest closing a bug report only once the issue is fixed, not before. Get it together, please.
To users experiencing the same issue: As far as I know, the only workaround is to use a different PDF viewer, such as Skim.
MacBook Pro 15", 10.14