Can Numbers be Useful in Basic Bookkeeping?
Once upon a time, I used Microsoft Money for my bookkeeping. It remembered my categories, totaled, remembered repeated payments and payees, Life was easy. Microsoft money is no more, and I have entered Apple-land with my iPad.
I have used Numbers for the past 2 years to keep track of my expenses, income, and HST in separate spreadsheets. I find it finicky and frustrating to use, if one has not been trained in Excel. And, it remembers nothing- so I am endlessly inputting the same information and redoing the same formulae, which makes me feel cross and murdery.
Income is divided into quarters on one spreadsheet and so, is easy to tally. EXPENSES are divided over 4 spreadsheets, 1per quarter (Jan-March, April-June, etc..)
Not knowing how to create CATEGORIES or keep a running total of the expenditure in each category, I sort of input them by category, and chronologically. (Making the bookkeeping a giant PAIN, btw.)
I now need to get an ANNUAL TOTAL of what I spent, by CATEGORIES, for use by my accountant. I would rather not have to use my adding machine to tally up every cell in every category. Instead of giving her 20 odd pages of bookkeeping to decipher, I need to give her a simple expense sheet with categories on one side and the year’s totals on the other.
There is apparently a way to do this, but all the explanations in this forum presume a lot of foreknowledge about Excel that I don’t have. I need an explanation that is not done only in Excel symbols. This is totally UNHELPFUL if one cannot understand the symbols.
Can anyone help me or direct me to instructions - using WORDS, in English, please?????
iPad Air, iOS 12