Hi TadDavis,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. I understand that you've previously subscribed to the Washington Post through Apple News, but recently you've had trouble accessing the subscription, being told you need to subscribe and then that you already have a subscription, but you're still unable to access the content. I know how important it is to have access to your subscriptions in Apple News; I'd like to help. I'd recommend starting with the steps below:
If you continue to have trouble, try signing out of the iTunes & App Store; tap Settings > iTunes & App Store > Apple ID > Sign Out. Wait a few moments then tap to sign in again. After signing in, try your subscription in the News app again.
Lastly, you can try deleting and reinstalling the news app to your device:
- On your iOS device, touch and hold the app lightly until it jiggles. If the app doesn't jiggle, make sure that you're not pressing too hard.
- Tap on the app, then tap Delete.
- Press the Home button to finish.
If you have an Apple Watch, deleting an app from your iPhone also deletes that app from your Apple Watch.
- On your iOS device, go to the App Store.
- Search for the app. Make sure that you use the exact name of the app. Find the correct name of built-in apps.
- Tap to restore the app.
- Wait for the app to restore, then open it from your Home screen.
If you have an Apple Watch, restoring an app to your iPhone also restores that app to your Apple Watch."
Delete built-in Apple apps on your iOS 12 or later device or Apple Watch
Should the issue persist, reach out to Apple for further assistance: Contact Apple Support
Best Regards.