Printing Old, Existing Photobook Projects
Well, after lots of searching, I'm here to ask this community.
How are people printing photo books/projects that were created in iPhoto/Photos?
I did download a couple of plug-ins, which Apple recomended. The first problem is that when it converts the old Project, it mixes up all the photos to the point where I might was well start all over. Converting is not working.
Other plubins complain that the project has a "coverlet" on the book and therefore it won't work. Photos won't let you remove the cover.
Is it possible to export the photo book Project and upload to a print shop that can read the file format?
The following paragraph is NSFHAU
(not suitable for happy Apple users)
I shouldn't say this. (again and again) But thanks Apple for once again, leaving us high and dry, without a paddle or anywhere near a creek. (iPhoto, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, DVD Studio Pro, Color ... So, no I won't be using your soon to be discountinued Logic Pro, Motion, FCPX, Compressor, Mail, Safari, OS X ... Cause why make any software when you can sell phones ... Oh wait. My bad, I can buy a new Apple monitor for only$1,000. Ooops. That's just the stand. Do I sound jaded? I shouldn't. I really have no reason to be jaded. Can anyone recomend a therapist, they keep quiting on me. If you've made it this far, surely you can help me.)