Slovenian keyboard input source - change keystrokes for @
Me and other colleagues, friends, coworkers, etc, are using a Slovenian keyboard input source on macOS. The trouble is a letter '@'. It is very widely used, but to access it on a keyboard you should press three keys simultaneously: Shift + Option + 2.
Croatian keyboard input source (which is actually the same as Slovenian) was recently changed in a way that you have to press just two keys to get '@': Option + 2. With Shift + Option + 2 you get '™' character now, which means, that the keystrokes were switched for those two letters. Which makes much more sense for daily usage. Namely, letter '™' in rarely or never used in day to day life. On contrary, '@' is used constantly.
My question is, to whom in Apple should I turn (or what is a procedure) to make this keystrokes switch for letters '@' and '™' for Slovenian keyboard input source in a same manner Croatian keyboard input source was changed officially?
On top of this there is also a Croatian - PC keyboard input source in Mohave officially.
This would be very useful for Slovenian keyboard definition also, like eg. Slovenian - PC keyboard input source. Layout is the same.
It also looks like Slovenian keyboard definition was not updated for a while now. There is not even no keyboard layout picture visible when browsing input source to add in System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources.
Thanks in advance,