Deleting bootcamp
I am deleting my Bootcamp partition since it did not load properly but it is taking too long, is there something I can do and is something wrong
MacBook Air 13", 10.13
I am deleting my Bootcamp partition since it did not load properly but it is taking too long, is there something I can do and is something wrong
MacBook Air 13", 10.13
In your specific case, given the current state, try
diskutil eraseVolume jhfs+ BC1 disk0s3
diskutil eraseVolume jhfs+ BC2 disk0s4
diskutil mergePartitions jhfs+ BCMP disk0s3 disk0s4
diskutil list
If you see only disk0s3 as the last entry under disk0, then run
diskutil eraseVolume fat32 BOOTCAMP disk0s3
and retry removing the partition using BC Assistant only.
In your specific case, given the current state, try
diskutil eraseVolume jhfs+ BC1 disk0s3
diskutil eraseVolume jhfs+ BC2 disk0s4
diskutil mergePartitions jhfs+ BCMP disk0s3 disk0s4
diskutil list
If you see only disk0s3 as the last entry under disk0, then run
diskutil eraseVolume fat32 BOOTCAMP disk0s3
and retry removing the partition using BC Assistant only.
Your previous attempt(s) at Bootcamp/Windows installation failed. It should not take more than a few minutes to remove the partitions to clean them up and be ready for the next attempt.
If you are on Mojave, you may have some APFS corruption, which is causing problems.
If the 'rollback' does not complete in the next few minutes, press Command+Option+Esc and Force Quit BC Assistant. We can manually clean up.
Post the output of
diskutil list
for the manual cleanup steps.
Yeah this is it.
So what should I do?
Can you post the output of
diskutil list
from macOS Terminal?
Thank you, so much. This is fixed.
Deleting bootcamp