Thank you for providing the report. Without "Full Disk Access" the resultant report will be somewhat limited, but here are my observations/recommendations on what I found, so far:
- Anti-Virus apps are not needed and your Mac is running more that one ... Kaspersky & Intego. I would recommend removing both of them as they tend to cause more issues (performance) than solve (finding non-existant viruses.)
- Unless you need to use a VPN, remove Tunnelbear.
- You also appear to have installed NordVPN. Again, if you're not using one, remove it ... or, at least, use just one.
- Your Mac doesn't have enough RAM memory to run the number of apps simultaneously. This was indicated under "Virtual Memory Information" as "Swap Used." This means that in order to run the apps, some of them had to be swapped out to the hard drive. This will definitely present itself as a performance issue ... and one reason for "beachballing."
- Follow the advice to remove items under the "Clean up" section.
- Finally, with Full Disk Access, any kernel panics or diagnostic reports will not be available. These are very helpful in discovering any potential issues with your Mac. Please re-read the article I provided you and it explains how to enable it.
If I had to guess why printing is stalling on your notebook, it would be because it is running multiple AV apps and has too few amount of RAM to run the number of apps simultaneously that you are asking it to do. Either get more RAM or run less apps.