Flashing solid.. ??
Flashing means LED is blinking on and off.
Solid means not flashing at all.
You cannot have flashing solid.. so please clarify.
Solid Amber is very very bad sign. Hardware fault.. in TC often dead hard disk.
Tell me what model it is? Flat pizza box shape model.. then also give me the model from base label.. eg A1409 is Gen4
The next tall AC model has no variants so just say tall tower.. the number is on the base but is next to unreadable.. grey on black.. brilliant!!
What does it do when you boot?
I need each colour of the front LED as it goes through the boot cycle.
Standard is
Green for about 1sec.
Solid amber about 30 sec
Flashing amber can be 1-2sec if everything is good.. time based on issues.
It will flash amber forever if there are issues.. but it has boot and should be able to see it in airport utility.
It will turn Green and stay green if configuration is all correct.
Ethernet lights.
All ethernet lights will flash green once a few seconds after boot.. Gen1-4
Gen5 all ethernet lights flash green twice about 30sec after boot.. but mine could be strange.. all ethernet lights should flash at least once during the boot cycle.
At the end of the boot cycle any ethernet with connections should turn green. Usually solid green although early ones can flash green.
So tell me what is the flash cycle for all the LEDs.
Once boot after a reset (hold in the reset button for 10sec and the front led will flash rapidly.. twice its normal speed)
The TC will have IP of
Open a terminal in the Mac and type
and see if it responds.
Control + C key to stop.
Flashing LED amber check the faults.
This gen5 TC has two issues.. red circle shows 2.
Issue one it needs update. (actually I downgraded it from latest firmware deliberately).
Overheating.. this is false error caused by failed sensor or temp chip.
I can fix it.. by some nasty manipulation.
So green happy and dumb.. Red circle with 1 issue is firmware needs update which aint gonna happen.