Exteranal monitor. More vitual displays vs Extended desktops
Dear All,
since a few days, when I attach an external monitor to may MacBookPro9,2, I face a different behavior of the System.
When the external monitor is attached (Apple Cinema Display 21 inch), it becomes the main monitor while the built in one acts as an secondary monitor.
Up to a few day ago the second monitor acted as an extension of the main on and the mouse pointer and the window were moving from the main to the second as if they are one.
This is the behavior I want.
As said, since a few day, the secondary monitor is just a monitor non an extension of the main monitor.
When I activate Mision control I see for virtual desktops on the main monitor an just one on the secondary monitor, and this latter is "named" number "5" (please see attached pictures).
I can add more virtual desktops on secondary monitor and their name keeps growing "6", "7" and so on.
When I switch from a desktop to the other, the switch effects only the desktop in the active monitor not the desktops in the main and secondary monitor at the same time (as it would happen if the second monitor is a desktop extension of the main monitor.
The question is: How can I turn back to the first state?
I have a TimeMachine backup but don't know exactly what backup use and don't want to go back with all the machine because I have file a work done that would be lost unless doing a back up on a different drive.
I have installed:
- MacOS Mojave updated to last release;
- TotalSpaces2 v2.7.12 (tried to disable it, restart the laptop, but nothing changed);
- MacPorts, regularly updated.
I do maintenance with:
- Thinketool
- Onyx
Can any of these two compromised a preference/system file?
Any suggestion?
If any further information is need, please ask: I will be happy to add.
Many thanks in advance!
MacBook Pro