Yes, I'm sure you will see a flood of angry users about this change. And why, now there is a bunch of white space on the bottom of the screen when viewing individual emails. So you just moved everything under one button making it less efficient. It's obvious that the product owner of this does not deal with a lot of emails, as nobody would have made this change. I literally go through and file away 300+ emails a day. Yes, as another user pointed out, it's just an additional scroll, but that is a significant waste of time. The pop up with all the various options is great. The design should have been to leave 1.) a reply button 2.) the file/move button and 3.) MORE (with all the additional options). This is such a minor thing, but it's going to annoy the heck out of corporate users using this, which are typically the users which are having to file through hundreds of emails a day. The only other button that was left is the delete button. So I'm guessing the product owner though, well, they can just delete the email. at least that wasn't moved under the reply button, or this would be REALLY painful.
I hope this thread gets some traction. I personally had to search a few different ways before I was able to find this. Trying searching google for "new apple ios 13 mail app missing button move on individual mail screen". lol. It's a miracle I found this page.
PLEASE bring it back. Even better, which I thought may have been the intention was that you could CUSTOMIZE which buttons were in that bottom bar. That would be great. This change was obviously not user tested. Sometimes I wish I could quit my day job and just be a product owner/advisor on the 5 apps I use most in my life. ;)