Hi, thanks. I guess my explaination was not very good as I am not a native speaker. My hiking app does not really "filter" the GPS signal. It just ignores some deviations / GPS signal movement while not really moving which are actually much bigger on the iPhone 11 pro compared to my iPhones 6s.
But why are there deviations? My 6s is tracking my hikes very accurate while the tracking on the 11 pro looks more or less awful. Is it a software issue? I cannot say: I ignore the problem by using a app which ignores the deviations. That's simple but is senseless as soon as I have to use a different app for other purposes in the future.
I wish Apple would stable the GPS signal somehow like on the 6s.
When standing still and turn my upper body around a little bit, the GPS signal starts jumping around. That's not normal and really I cannot ignore it. And the effect is also shown while moving: the GPS tracks are not really straight when you walk a straight line while on the 6s they are straight. So why is Apple not able to provide the same good GPS behaviour like on the 6s? I hope someone from Apple reads this and can fix the issue.