Hi JP,
My take is that these iPhones were not fully completed _ hardware & software _ but the decision to launch, almost certainly because of marketing pressure, was taken anyway. One of the tale tell is the incomplete reverse induction charging...
With regards to the camera, I believe that some optics fine tuning or re-design should significantly improve the situation with the most appropriate combination of:
1) Optical formulae.
2) Sensor anti-reflective coatings.
3) Lenses & lenses covers materials & refractive index.
4) Lenses & lenses covers anti-reflective coatings.
5) Lenses covers exact sizing. Surround area from matt black material in & out.
6) Matt black external surface for the camera and lens covers surrounding rings (at this time mirror like)
The above may not be feasible by buying existing cameras modules and fitting the bits together which is cheaper but has compromised results...
I am afraid that what we see will remain a limitation for this generation of iPhones. People could experiment and specify their own lens covers & surrounding support rings custom made and see the resulting effects... But is this realistic ?
Apple is not really a specialised optics company like Leica, Zeiss, Olympus Zuiko, etc... Should they wish to improve the cameras and reduce these internal reflections to the minimum then they should perhaps outsource the complete cameras module design to these people...