How to delete unicorn emojis from my iPhone
How to delete unicorn emojis from my iPhone?
iPhone XS
How to delete unicorn emojis from my iPhone?
iPhone XS
My God, Apple. We all agree. We are not all 6 year old children. The unicorn emojis are terrible; they are in the way & are MOST CERTAINLY NOT, I repeat NOT “frequently used!” Get rid of them or allow your users to remove them. I’ve been, thus far, willing to pay your outrageous prices so please refrain from forcing me to put up with your inane idea of progress!
Yes it’s a first world problem but when I pay $1000 for a phone I expect to be able to use it without someone randomly deciding what I like and making it impossible to change.
The “first world problems” statement,
Dah-Veed 🙄, is over used. I care about other countries‘ as well as our own poor and hungry. That doesn’t invalidate every problem or frustration I have. I am able to keep a perspective at the same time I have problems!
I am able to keep a perspective at the same time I have problems!
Your's & other's rants here about a silly emoji/Memoji designed for the use by younger folks who also bought a $1000 phone, don't demonstrate that to those of us from the developing world. IMO, it can never be used too often.
Who in the ever-loving H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks thought this was a good idea? This is enough for me to leave the iPhone after 10 years.
But then again, apple doesn't monitor this so nothing will change and the employee who came up with the idea and their management team will pat each other on the back for giving everyone something so cute.
Do they even run this crap past actual USERS?
Apple must think we are all a bunch of 8 year olds. Bit of advice Apple, tell your marketing department to grow up and leave the teenager stuff to the cheap phone manufacturers. I pay a lot for a phone for grown-ups, something I can use to improve my business productivity. I can assure you that does not include UNICORNS on my phone!!! Any wonder you guys are losing market share!
I'm curious about why you sophisticated, mature, business oriented adults even have a need to even go where the unicorns live on an iPhone?
If for nothing more than to have something to mitch & boan about here in the Apple Support Communities during your hectic, sophisticated, mature, business oriented life.
Thank you.
The more of us who actually give Apple feedback the better.
****** off about the unicorns? Though others may disagree, in my opinion it’s fine to vent here. But please take a few minutes and send real feedback to Apple. You don’t even need the link. Just Google “Apple feedback.”
You can't delete your own post, you can edit it within a 15 minute window.
Yep, lots of people with 13.2.x complaining about no ability to get rid of the unicorns and although hacks were provided they really weren't permanent and were kludgy. 13.3 provided the switch you are referring to. I didn't realize there was so much unicorn hatred in the world.
You don't need to delete or add a keyboard. To remove the unicorns (which are very popular, unicorns are "in"). Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Memoji Stickers and turn it off.
It is at the bottom of the keyboard screen.
I don't find any of the Memoji insulting and don't personally know anyone else who does. I would never apologize for sending any of them, accidentally or not and would think it odd if someone did so. I've not seen an exploding rat head so I don't know where that came from and which Animoji's are not suitable for children?
This has a simple solution.
Go to Settings > General > Keyboard , then scroll down until you see "Memoji stickers". Toggle it off.
The unicorns are gone, voila.
A lot of people are really upset about this.
Unbelievable! The unicorns in the front of the emoji keyboard in the new update are terrible. Apple remove them please. Everyone wants them gone. Ridiculous do they use any customer/user feedback anymore?!?!
I have created my own emoji using the … button located between the “regular” and the unicorn emojis. I did nit need my own emoji and I still certainly do not need the infantile unicorn emojis. Why Apple has decided to place them to the left of their regular emojis instead of somewhere further back, remains their secret, but they appear to be targeting the fairy princess community in the age range from 7-11 now with their €1600 iPhones and iPads now. Good luck!
Clicking on the little clock face button to the right of the ABC button on the bottom row will return to the usuals emoji display.
There are several problems with you oped piece. First, the Unicorn is an Animoji, not a Memoji. Apparently if you have not done a Memoji or used an Animoji it fills that field due to where it falls in the alphabet.
Second, it is not an icon like Clippy was.
Third I think of decades as being a LONG time, not the 6 weeks that Apple took to release an update to allow it to be turned off. You do realize the "pages" of complaints you refer to consists of less that 100 people?
Fourth, in case you live in a cave, Unicorns are a popular thing right now with lots of people. Apple generally isn't going for the over 70 or stick up your butt demographic.
And Fifth, what was the damage to anybody having it there?
For those who might be confused by deggie’s post, you DO in fact go to Settings>General>Keyboard>MEMOJI to turn these things off.
To deggie, the POINT was that 1) nobody who wants these things gone cares what they are called, 2) Clippy was a “feature” that many people also found annoying but was ALWAYS optional, 3) half a dozen pages of pages of complaints indicates it was a problem for long enough to show that this was a poorly thought out feature.
I like unicorns, but I don’t like half my keyboard real estate taken up with an errant swipe. I also don’t like fanbois who can’t possibly conceive why someone with a corporate issued phone would like to have a keyboard with commonly used business appropriate emoticons instead of animals. For those of us who actually do work in technology, it’s frustrating to see poorly thought out features deployed into what’s otherwise a pretty good system.
And finally I don’t like the number of times I’ve seen your handle on this thread. It was amusing for a while but it’s getting really tiresome.
I figured out how to turn this “feature” that I don’t like off after scrolling through several pages of comments. I’m unsubscribing from this thread, so unless you want to contact me directly, I doubt I’ll see the reply that you’ll undoubtedly write.
And BTW, clippy was an animated assistant—not an “icon”. When you read that clippy “became an icon” because of its notoriety, it seems that figure of speech was lost on you. An “icon” is something that stands for something else, e.g. a small picture that represents a file or folder.
your 5 point answer didn’t help at all, just made me ****** that you tried to gaslight people for wanting their emoji keyboard to not have the top spaces taken up by ones they have no intention of ever using.
settings>general>Keyboard>Memoji and you can toggle em off. Props to atxdg for actually giving a solution instead of some woke virtue signalling
terencefromcape town wrote:
1. Settings
2. General
3. Keyboard...go to the bottom
4. Disable Memoji
Good luck
It's a good idea to read a long thread before posting in it. This solution (which has been around since, I believe December) was posted four times on the previous page.
How to delete unicorn emojis from my iPhone