Catalina Finder Will Not Load Media to Gen 2 iPod Shuffle
I have just updated my Mac to Catalina. With it comes the splitting up of iTunes into separate applications for Podcasts, Music etc.. Devices are now managed in the Finder.
On connecting my iPod Shuffle Gen 2 to my Mac, the ipod appears in the Finder sidebar. When I click on the icon, I get a pane which allows me to toggle some options, and on the top right there is a "Manage Storage" button. When I click this button, a panel slides down which has 6 categories in its own sidebar for Films, TV Programmes, Songs, Podcasts, Audiobooks and Books. If I click on any of these categories, nothing appears in any of the categories.
I have done a factory restore on the iPod, but that did not work.
Another factor that might be an issue is that I store all my media in a separate volume, which the Podcasts and Music applications located fine (not sure about Books).
Any ideas how I might go about loading content on my iPod?
iPod Shuffle (2nd Gen)