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IOS 13.1.3 battery drain

Well I guess another update, another waste of time as the bugs on the iPhone XR are still there. Weird battery drain. IT SHOULD HAVE MORE THAN A DAY'S LIFE OF BATTERY. I had to change my device for another one and its the same problem. When will apple wake up and start fixing this important battery drain issues. Apple support is stating a ' Hardware Problem' No I don' think so as everyone is complaining on these pages about how bad the software is and need a fix. My battery is at 100% capacity. It is a problem with the SOFTWARE. Also stop sending us links to apple's pages about lithium-ion batteries and how they work, battery performance etc... ITS A NEW PHONE. We need this fixed. Especially on the iPhone XR which should have more than a day's battery life!!! WAKE UP APPLE!! WE BUY PRODUCTS WITH A LOT OF EFFORT FOR SPENDING MONEY AND WE GET THIS IN RETURN. I know I'm angry but I've just had enough of this nonsense!!! :(

iPhone XR

Posted on Oct 17, 2019 8:29 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Oct 18, 2019 7:14 AM

Ever since 13.1.1 my iphone7 will drain out even when powered off and being plugged in to power. 13.1.3 did not fix the problem. This is a serious ios bug. Once charged to 100% the phone will also require rebooting 5-10 times where the battery indicator will show almost 0% and the show 100% on reboot and bice versa. i have the screenshots to prove it.

What makes the phone drain out within an hour despite being plugged in and turned off???

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Oct 18, 2019 7:14 AM in response to Oscar-24

Ever since 13.1.1 my iphone7 will drain out even when powered off and being plugged in to power. 13.1.3 did not fix the problem. This is a serious ios bug. Once charged to 100% the phone will also require rebooting 5-10 times where the battery indicator will show almost 0% and the show 100% on reboot and bice versa. i have the screenshots to prove it.

What makes the phone drain out within an hour despite being plugged in and turned off???


Oct 19, 2019 11:44 AM in response to yohdaddy

Same problem here, since updating to 13.1.3 (4 days ago) the batterie of my iPhone7 drain in minutes, sometimes to less than 10%, and then reboots. before the update i never had any problem with the batterie life time and i could use the phone the whole day without connecting it to a power supply. We need a fix for this problem!


Oct 20, 2019 10:46 AM in response to Oscar-24

On 13.1 I got 18 hours of battery and for the life of me, couldn't drain it down past 30%. After updating to 13.1.3, I've lost 30% in 3 hours!! Same apps, same usage, every behavior usage the same. It's incredibly frustrating as I was thinking that Apple finally got it right. I've never used any iPhone where I didn't have to carry a charger and extra battery, old OR new. For about 3 weeks, it was really exhilarating and now I'm brought back to reality. Very disappointing to say the least...


Oct 24, 2019 8:05 AM in response to Oscar-24

OK, do this-->Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to factory settings - Apple Support

Don't log in to iCloud, install any apps or add any email accounts, and check your battery life for a day. If your battery life is still bad restore your phone using iTunes so it gets a fresh copy of iOS 13. Report the results. If battery life is OK log in to iCloud. Test again for a day.

If battery life is still OK restore your backup and test again. If battery life gets worse you have a defective app. Start with Facebook as a likely suspect.


Oct 26, 2019 7:29 AM in response to Lokgeetin

Usually, links to external sites in posts are to drive traffic to the poster's site (and thus get click credit) rather than to actually solve a problem. Especially in this case where the 3 minute video could be summarized in 3 short sentences.

If your battery state of charge jumps around you need a new battery. Take the phone to an Apple store where they can test it and replace it if needed. Or use the Contact Support link at the top of this page; they can do a remote test. If you install the Apple Support app from the app store you can contact support directly from the app and schedule an appointment. Or use the link below.

Genius Bar Reservation and Apple Support Options - Apple


Oct 29, 2019 9:06 PM in response to Oscar-24

I had the battery drain issue on an iphoneX. I recalibrated my battery and it is working much better.

  1. Discharge the battery completely.
  2. Charge the battery for a full 6 hours with the power off.
  3. Power on. I was good to go.

Not quite as good as before but very close.


Nov 1, 2019 12:36 PM in response to Narizona

I had the battery drain issue on an iphoneX. I recalibrated my battery and it is working much better.

  1. Discharge the battery completely.
  2. Charge the battery for a full 6 hours with the power off.
  3. Power on. I was good to go.

Step 1. is very easy todo at the moment just wait a few hours and it's drained :-)


Oct 22, 2019 10:00 AM in response to razmee209

Apple store , Apple store ?! You expect everyone who has these complaints to go to an Apple store. Pathetic. What kind of lame excuse is that. Even You-tubers like I-device has been having problems. This is a serious bug. I think you’ve embarrassed yourself Rhazmee. ( You call yourself a level 8 user ) Not good...


Oct 24, 2019 7:46 AM in response to Oscar-24

So many complaints? Are you serious? Here is an example of "so many complaints"

That's almost THIRTEEN THOUSAND complaints and 2.6 MILLION views. At a time when there were only 100 million phones. To scale that up to the present that would be over 100 THOUSAND complaints. That was a real problem that affected about 5% of all iPhones, and it was fixed in 2 weeks. So it accumulated that number of posts in 2 weeks.

If your phone has a battery life problem you need to find the app that is causing it. HINT: It isn't iOS 13.1.3. It is one (or maybe 2) apps that are not working correctly. You need to find the apps, kill them and restart your phone. My battery life with iOS 13 is noticeably better than it was with iOS 12, which was also pretty good.


Nov 22, 2019 7:12 AM in response to Oscar-24

Does this look similar to what everyone is experiencing? This graph shows the time when I fully charge it and leave it overnight. Every morning the battery is either at around 5% or the phone is dead. I have been to the Apple store 3 times but they can't resolve it. The phone is unusable and it has been going on for over a month.


Nov 22, 2019 10:52 PM in response to Barge41m

My iPhone XS Max randomly still gets hot about 6 days being replaced. Apple Photos consumes excessive battery or processing power. All photos have long been indexed. Through some trial and experimentation, I noticed that as soon as I use the camera and photos are taken, it heats us and remains heated. Upgraded to IOS 13.2.3 and still happening. Have no idea what’s going on?


Nov 23, 2019 2:31 AM in response to photogizmo

This is really starting to annoy me! Apple how can you NOT get the foundation right. You shouldn’t rush out with updates. WHAT happened to the focusing on stability and performance. The building of a house is the first step(foundation).. then you can add in furniture!( New features) The Bloomberg Report really made me sick. Apple being a big company and not being Apple to get a grip. Shame


Dec 4, 2019 11:22 AM in response to Oscar-24

I have two iPhone se's in my home

After the IOS 13 update, I can't use my iPhones at all as my charge is dropping in like every 30 seconds and to charge it back it takes hours. Also my both iPhones heat extremely and I am afraid and concerned about my safety. I have been a great fan of apple and sadly I have to admit I am going to use Nokia button phones for the over heating issue is alarming.

Like to also remind Apple that I have done all the troubleshooting methods on the internet like cancelling active apps,etc. Please admit the fault and fix this issue as soon as possible because we payed money for your products with trust in you.DONT LOSE THE TRUST.I still hope Apple will fix this.


Oct 20, 2019 6:41 PM in response to Oscar-24

Same issue with iPhone 7. Updated software to iOS 13.1.3 recently and immediately noticed battery drain. This was followed with phone rebooting whilst texting. Never experienced similar issues previously. Are there settings that can manage out this behaviour or is this symptomatic of software bugs? Be good if Apple responded here.


IOS 13.1.3 battery drain

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