What happens when you "delete documents and data"?
I've never paid much attention to icloud storage, backing up in other ways, so I don't have a good understanding of how iCloud storage works. I have a query about the attached screenshot. I'm trying to free up space in iCloud. I don't need e.g. iMovie files to be backed up in iCloud. When I click on 'delete documents & data', I get the warning that iMovie docs and data will be deleted immediately form iCloud "and all of your devices" (see screenshot). What? Does this mean that if I remove iMovie files from iCloud, they get scrubbed form my MacBook pro as well? How can that be right? How is Apple allowed to remove my private files on my computer if I remove them from iCloud? Or does it just mean that the iMovie files won't be synced to my other devices?
And there are other docs I don't need in iCloud either, eg Health.
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.14