iPhoto: cannot search partial file names
Hi. It seems that with the latest Catalina upgrade, the search functionality in iPhoto has degraded.
For example, I used to be able to go into iPhoto and search for all the files in my library that had files named "xyz_KidsBirthday.jpg"
This was easily executed by simply searching on the words "Kids" or "Birthday" in iPhoto's finder - in which all the images that fell into ANY or BOTH of these title keywords would appear.
Now, post Catalina, when if you plug in "Kids" or "Birthday" it seems like I cannot find those files unless I plug in the EXACT combination of those words together in Search. It's haphazard in what is appearing and unless I know the exact combo of words that I used to title a file, iPhoto isn't smart enough to look within the labeled title and look at partial meta data and show me that file.
I've looked up many combinations of titles at this point and it seems to be consistently inconsistent across the board. Any one else?
iMac 27", macOS 10.15