Not sure if you were aware or not that when the AirPort Express connects wirelessly to extend the network that you will lose about half of the potential speed on the network when this occurs. So, while the Express might be producing a stronger signal, it may well be a significantly slower signal with higher noise content.
Keep in mind also that the Time Capsule has a much better antenna arrangement than an AirPort Express. In the case of the Time Capsule, the antennas are located right up at the top of the "tower" while they are really buried inside the Express.
So, it is possible that the Bose speakers are actually receiving a better quality signal in terms of speed and noise from the Time Capsule than they are from the AirPort Express.
If you have the time to experiment, you might consider configuring the AirPort Express to "join" the network.....not extend it.....and the network might work better that way.