You are in wrong profession dude.. You seem to answer the question but just create noise.. You should be a politician..
Well, not a problem for me as I wouldn't use my Mac with a 1080p display.
Then why do you bother to discuss? BTW: People DO USE Windows machines.. Mac's are 1 out of 10.. With other products catching up in design estatics, we will see less Mac's for sure.. If the Apple's mentality is like yours, then we are wasting time on discussing those problems..
If minimizing power consumption is your goal, that's fine.
hat's not a horrific statement; I doubt you would purchase a Ford F-350 pickup truck that gets 8 MPG when your goal was something as fuel efficient as possible.
You really write without understanding.. I would use F-350 if I need to, but I would not use it to commute between office and home.. If a device can idle at 5W instead of 20W, it SHOULD idle at 5W then.. What's wrong with that? That monstrous device uses nVidia Optimus, iGPU handles display output, if a high performance required it is passed to eGPU than the surface is moved into the iGPU's RAM..
Funny thing is if I use eGPU with 2019 MBP16, it consumes 100Wh battery at the same speed with that old machine's 56Wh battery.. So for me there is no difference in battery life.. Oh your response will be: Use other one than.. I DO.. I bought this shiny junk for iOS..
I like the sound of class A audio amplifiers that suck 1500w at idle, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and I don't shut my audio gear off (nor any of my computers, actually.)
Good for you.. I whish you shared that earlier.. Because it would be impossible you to understand consuming responsibly.. Fortunately not everybody is like you, or at least most do not have resources to pay for it. That "I don't care" mentality reflects itself onto the coding as well.. I am 43 years old, and the computers are 1000, maybe 10000 times faster than the ones 30 years ago, but the software works at the same speed because of "I don't care"..
millions of people use their devices daily with absolutely zero issues whatsoever, whether it is from Bluetooth or any other part of the system
Try installing bootcamp, try using bluetooth headphones.. Especially Airpods Pro.. Then try using Magic Mouse.. When you open magic mouse you will hear garbage from earpods.. I have tested this MacBook Air's, MBP 13 2017, MBP 16.. Same problem..
About zero issues.. No dude, there are lots of issues related to dongles, software, T2 chip, reboots, loss of display etc.. Apple deletes the comments.. I've seen it with my eyes.. It took 3 years Apple to recognise keyboard was crap..
Can you imagine you could logon the system with credentals "root" with empty password..
Airpods Pro has a frequent problem: one side connects, other side does not connect.. You have to place to the case, wait, remove it back..
I use menu bar hidden, frequently window manager forgets that and resizes the window as menu was visible..
After 5 years, iPhone still have vulnerability with notifications, problem with BLE stack promising to wake up an App when it sees a device but forget it.. 5 years ago we discussed the problem with support for 3 months, then we found work arounds, we told the support, instead of filing a bug report about the system they threathen us with removing the app from the store..
I can go on listing the bugs, but neither you nor Apple will care.. The difference between Apple and Microsoft/Google is, they care problems and fix them.. Apple hides..